Hi Everyone, my name is Nikita, and im a pre-diabetic myself! but during the day I’m also a medical industry design engineer student…
We have a group essay for the future product design, our subject is the new century glucose meter. I’d like to ask you guys for ideas about the future glucose meters - what should it be (apart from the accuracy range which is pretty standard…), tings like size, shape, color, memory, ease of use, interface, etc., the more the merrier !!!
We have two weeks for brain storming, i would appreciate any suggestions and comments.
Thank you very much!
The ultimate blood glucose meter should in my opinion be inside the body and record external readings with no intervention. I suggest a surgically implanted meter that produced 100% blood glucose for at least1 year before it has to be removed. everything else is just more of the same
Well that’s a bold idea…
I’ll do some research on that… I’m concerned about implant rejection, physical limitation and obviously pain… But thanks!
is bloodless an option or will an external blood sample always need to be taken?
The future of blood glucose monitors will be in the non-invasive category. There have been a number of optical-based systems but none have yet made it to market in North America. Another very promising technology makes use of radio waves in a compact handheld device. It was developed by a company named GlucoWise located in the UK. In the event external links are not permitted in this forum, you can access their website by simply typing Gluco-Wise into the address/URL of your favorite browser; then hold down the [Ctrl] key and press [Enter].
C8 Medisensors (San Jose, CA) actually received CE approval for sale of their optical-based BG meter in Europe awhile back in 2012. However, the company apparently ran into financial difficulties and is no more (ex-employees of the firm claimed it was due to mismanagement at the top). Similar products have been developed both in the U.S. and abroad (Israel and Japan).
Non-invasive technologies hold the key to affordable and better control for a mushrooming diabetic population unless the food industry begins to eliminate the unhealthy mix of chemicals that they infuse into their food products (to increase shelf life and profits). I am not optimistic about a non-invasive meter coming to market in the foreseeable future. If one manages to make it through the FDA maze, it would probably be bought out by Big Pharma and buried; there’s just too much profit in the test strips industry to allow upstart technologies to threaten that cash stream (just a personal opinion).