
I get a sinus infection usually every year around the end of March beginning of April. This year I had the tightening of my face and neck. My doctor prescribed a nasal spray and I used it religiously. My sympto s came and went. I was having intestinal issues lots of mucous in my behind my eyes and cheeks. I had alot ofbloating in my stomach and feet and legs. Yesterday I had trouble swallowing and my breathing was laboured. It really scared me. My husband came home from work and I was going to have him take me to the hospital. I took a Reactine then but I was still having symptoms but in the morning when I woke up I could feel the difference. My eyeballs were very sore and sensitive to light. My sense of taste is off and my esophagus feels like it is burning when I swallow. Hopefully these symptoms will disappear with due time. I am going to see an allergist in June.

Yea if you are experiencing illness at the same time of year consistently, they you are probably dealing with allergies.

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Did you test for covid? A lot of people get hit with the symptoms in the sinuses first. Some of your symptoms sound like it could be. Make sure to test for it and more than once because not everyone shows up positive right away.

An allergist can test you for the most common allergies, but not everything can be tested for. Too many things out there. I know I have allergies, I have since I was a kid. I have had blood tests and skin tests and they have never been able to figure out what I am allergic too. Some of the things were easy for me to figure out like some adhesives, gold, silver, tea tree etc. But I’ve even had my throat almost completely close a couple of times and I know of a preservative that caused it one of those times, but not a clue the other time.

Spring is a common allergy time. But one thing that was worth the investment was air purifiers in our living room and bedroom. I can turn into a wheezy mess exposed to something in a field and sit by the air purifier and all my symptoms go away. I really have symptoms almost all year round, they just are better or worse at certain times of the year. That will only help if it’s environmental though. Environmental allergies are things like dust mites, cleaners, certain plants or pollen etc

Almost all of mine aren’t food, it’s outside somethings, or some chemicals. One hospital I walked into I got congested really bad within seconds. But you can try an elimination diet for food. You can become allergic to anything at any point. You narrow down your food to unfortunately a boring few items for 3 days. Pick 1 protein, a green veggie and a grain, quinoa or rice because those are things people aren’t usually allergic too. You can’t use butter etc, salts okay, or a few of the spices. But the wider range of things you pick the less you will know. If your symptoms go away, then it’s something you are eating. If they don’t you need to completely switch up the items you picked so you can see if they go away then. If they go away you can slowly add back food. Most veggies are the least likely to cause a problem. But the most common are wheat, soy, egg, fish, shellfish, nuts, peanuts, dairy, and now sesame seeds have been added as a lot of people are suddenly showing up with sesame seed allergies and more people are reacting to more veggies now, although most veggies still aren’t super common allergens. Unfortunately with GMO’s out there, things are getting murkier. Organic foods can’t have GMO’s.

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Last night I woke around 2am and my throat and windpipe felt dry. I tried some water but it didn’t help. I ended up going to the hospital and I’m still here. I had only an eggsalad sandwich m 24 hours. I have pain in behind my left eye and my neck throat widpipe feel tight. They did a cat scan of my face and took blood. I haven’t heard anything since. Please pray for me that they fond the problem.


We’re with you Dee and I absolutely HATE going into hospitals (despite working in them for almost 20 yrs).

Hope they figure out what is wrong!

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I hope you are doing okay Dee!

Dee, you mention Reactine, which is a brand name for Cetirizine, which lists among its side effects:

Dry mouth
Loss of taste
Eye pain

I note that some of your most recent symptoms sound like they might be side effects and not the allergies themselves.

I have bad allergies and often for me Cetrizine (despite its side effects - which for me are noticeable) is worth it. But much better for me is levocetirizine (US brand name Xyzal) which has fewer side effects.

Marie20 mentions an air purifier and for me that really helps with the allergies. In fact although I can often work from home, I recently prefer to commute to my office in the city where I get free air conditioning and the tree pollen I’m allergic to is less dense than at home.


The hospital sent me home. They ruled out infection and any abnormalities in my face by doing a cat scan… I finally fell asleep last night at around 1am. I dont know how but I did.So this morning I woke up and had bteakfast. My eyes had mucous in them. I have an eyemask with moisture beads in it. You place it in the microwave for 20 sec. and apply it to your face. After doing that a few times things started to clear up. The body aches, stomach painI even hada little numbness in the tops of my feet that werent there before. So it wasn’t viral at all just lots of sinus congestion.