Amazing courage!

Our little Olivia is amazing! She is so couragous. December will mark six months living with diabetes. Over the past six months Olivia has seen....

1,288+ pricks of her fingers to get blood sugar readings

639+ insulin injections

183+ ketone urine checks

5 days in the hospital

2 endocrinologist appointments (three hour drive to Pittsburgh)

2 parents who worry endlessly

1 sister who hides under mommy and daddy's bed to eat a cookie so little eyes won't see.

numerous highs

numerous lows

countless hugs and kisses from her family and friends

neverending love

Kids with diabetes ceaselessly amaze me! I was at the endo’s a few months ago and a saw a little girl who is just like Olivia. It’s amazing how they can take it in their stride and its older people (like me) who struggle with diabetes for months after being diagnosed. She’s such a trooper! I’m so glad she’s doing well. :slight_smile:

Our kids truly are amazing and then some!! Thank you both for your kind words.

sounds like you have an amazing little girl. Quite the little cutie. Sounds like she is adjusting well.