Did any of you just get the Dexcom-related email from Animas?
I had the same reaction to the email.
Me too!!! What a tease!
Same here
Me too! …the only advantage I could see in conjunction with the insurance/billing is in reordering supplies all from one place…(kind of like w/ getting the rest of one’s medications all from one pharmacy)
I guess this may mean that the ‘new’ unit(s) will be delayed much later that we anticipated. Why market this when something is coming dow the road soon? golly-gee wiz-darnit!
I am hoping that Animas will sell the Dexcom in Canada . Can’t get a Dexcom here yet and since Animas has distribution in Canada, maybe this will speed things up?
I had the same excitement. 1st thought was ‘if it’s true I’m going to post it on TuD for everyone’. Then I opened it and read it
Hi, Graeme … I’m also in Vancouver, hoping for a Dex/Animas integrated system that will be available here. I’ve left a message with the local Animas rep, Anthony Petrovich, asking if he has any inside scoop, but maybe you’ve spoken with him already? If not, I can pass on whatever I learn when I hear back. Are you using another CGM system? I use a Medtronic pump + Minilink CGM, but I’d like to switch.
Rita and everyone -
You’re right, it won’t be in the current existing ping, but it won’t be in “one of the other models” either. It will be in the next version of the animas pump to come out.
From what I gathered from talking to my CDE and Animas rep in the last few weeks, Animas and Dexcom have a pump with a CGMS ready to market. What is holding them up is the FDA approval. It ticked me off to read the other day that the FDA approved a next-generation pump-CGM combo from Minimed. What’s the hold up on the Dexcom pump? If anyone has information on this, let us know.
I heard from my rep in January that it will be a different pump from the Ping called the Animas Unity and that it will not have the meter remote control functionality like the Ping does. He said that Animas will offer the new Unity along side the current Ping; with the Unity having the CGM integration and the Ping being the same as it is. I think he said something about there being technical issues with having the pump accepting 2 separate RF signals from two devices (The meter/remote and the CGM sensor).
I really hope he’s wrong.
Hi Heather,
Did you find anything out about Animas/Dexcom in Canada?