Animas Ping

well it looks like i am on my way to becoming a pump user,,,,,i choose the Animas Ping,,,the rep came to my house last friday.....after 35 years injecting this is going to be a difficult transisition for me?

i am worried what if it doesnt work for me? i dont know..

I’ve been injecting for about 8 years and I plan on being on the Ping in the next couple months. Let me know how it goes.

ok, will do,hoping i will adjust to this though

if you don’t like pumping can you get your money back?

i dont know…mine is paid for by medical insurance,? to ask the company i guess

I was thinking the same thing eight years ago. I am on a metronic and when I first saw it, I was thinking ‘‘I don’t want this thing hanging off me all the time.’’ But after I started using it,I can’t imagine living without it. I feel a 100% better now than I ever did when I was on shots. I hope that helps you out. Good luck.

thanks…me too!

yea ive been on MM for like 9 years but just got on the Ping last week… you will loveeee it i promise you! the only transisition your gonna make is the basal which wont take that long then its smoothhh sailing GOOD LUCK! if you need to know anything just message me

I had been using syringes for 46+ years and switched to the Animas Ping when I went on Medicare. It’s worked fantastically for me. I had been very prone to serious low BGs, hypo unawareness. Since being on my Ping for 16 months I haven’t had a serious low where my husband had to pull me out of it, AND I can now tell when my BG is dropping. I feel so very much better and no longer fear going low all of a sudden.
It does take time to get your basals worked out, but it’s well worth it when you do.

I am personally torn between the ping and the medtronic. And after almost 4 years of MDI, I’m switching! Let us know what you think of the ping.

Go with the Ping… Trust me its wayyy better then the MM…

do you mind if I ask why…I am trying hard to make a decision. The CGM was easy for me. Just not the pump!

Well… For basic features they both get the job done but the Ping is waterproof, controlled by your meter, meter is one touch which i swear by… the reservoirs are also luer lock which is a lot better imo… like i said im not gonna bash the MM cause i had it for many years and it served its purpose but the Ping compared to MM is like the iPhone VS Blackberry… MM is great but there lacking in making strides! they think theyve got the ultimate design cause of there CGM but unfortunatly it really bites lol

Thanks. I didn’t mean to hijack the thread. I was curious as so many say go with ping and then a few says go with MM. Makes it hard for me to decide

No its completely understood and to be honest till i found this site i would have went with MM also because when i first got the pump 9 years ago MM was the best in the pump world… But as soon as i found the Animas Ping i was like oh no way MM lol i had the MM CGM for like a year with out testing it my Dr wanted me to get it so i did but after getting the Dexcom i was like hey let me give it a shot it cant be that bad… and for me it was the needle was hugeee… the sensor was like hangy so i had to tape it down… it took BG every 20 minutes and was inaccurate… So! if you gonna go for MM just do your research first just for the fact that i can use the meter to bolus is a deciding factor cause i like to keep my pump on my thigh and pulling your pants down outside isnt great lol as for waterproof i dont go swimming and what not but its nice to know that if you happen to get caught in a situation where it required it then you can… for up to 12 hours at 24 feet!

I injected for 40 years before pumping but I adjusted and haven’t regreted it in the 11 years of pumping. You will adjust and wish you hadn’t started earlier.:slight_smile:

thanks for the encouragement…guess i am just afraid of changes…but from all these replies,looks like it will be a good thing!