Any way to obtain Medtronic CareLink Pro?


I realize that this version of Carelink is designed for "healthcare professionals", but I am interested in getting a copy for my PC...I am interested in any extra features and batch-type of reporting that it may have...anyone know if a patient can purchase it?...or know of any other way I might be able to obtain a copy (legally, of course)?...thanks in advance for any help and information...

ps...yes, I am referring to the one that my Endocrinologist uses...I will ask him, but that appointment is a couple of months out...thanks for the suggestions so far...

I think this is the answer :
You will require a CareLink usb, which I recall receiving for free from Medtronic …I get my reports this way …time to do it again .
Hope this works …( .I googled Medtronic CareLink )

I am also interested … has better reports

I believe they are looking for the one the doctors use when they download our pumps. It is the one that goes with the I pro2 kinda like ours but the one they are looking for goes on your computer drive as a software instead of downloading to a site. I an not sure how to get this but I would ask my doctor they might know

You are probably correct Med…I sure need to learn " the lingo " , then I maybe doing better in responding , apologies .

No problem at least you tried to help lol