I am not at all. I believe the improvements are well worth the changes. Here are improvements we already know about. 1. elimination of lifetime limits on coverage. Up until this year these maximums have been coming down at an alarming rate. This legislation eliminates this. 2. allowance that children over 18 and not in school can remain on their parents plans in many cases. This age is unheard of today, and 3. the requirement that all person obtain health insurance. Make no mistake you, we, are paying the high price for those who chose to remain uninsured and who then do not pay bills.
Their is a basic misunderstanding that unpaid accounts do not somehow cost others. This is a completely wrong. What happens is that unpaid bills go to the hospital or doctors bottom line and those items are then paid by all of us. So a portion of every medical bill you and I pay is the cost of uncollected fees and cost of collection.
What many people falsely assume is that if they have medical insurance they are not paying for the medical costs of the uninsured. instead the uninsured are driving health insurance inflation at a rate of near 15% per year. Employers, individuals, no one will be able to afford health insurance the vast majority are covered by insurance. Now I wont lie, medical inflation has yet to catch up with rates. in the future, this will happen. if we wish to make it worse delay will do that. Right now there is little significant reason for people to carry health insurance, after all in most states, the debt goes away when the person that services were provided for dies.
Other factors. Most countries have government controlled health plans. We do not. We want largely company provided health insurance. That is fine, but our companies are paying an incredible amount for health insurance. Wish to know one of the reason other countries have jobs that might be done here? It is because our industry bares the majority of the cost of health insurance. So companies take their jobs elsewhere.
This law will not solve this issue, but we must understand if cost and therefore responsibility is not shifted to the individual than or job base will go away even worse than we think it is today.
OK, so none of that is your issue, I get that. This law will not distantly control costs. What does is provide access to markets. Right now most type 1's and many type 2's cannot enter the individual market on their own. Further and this the part that frighten you more than cost, today their is no universal right to health insurance provided by your employer. In other words, today your employer could drop their plan no questions asked, or they could place a disqualification in their policy that prevents some new employees form gettign health insurance even that offered to others. now i do not want to frighten you or misrepresent the facts, it is far more likely a company will drop all health coverage before they discriminated against some employees.
I honestly believe that this issue will be mute in a few years. Please remember all this nonsense you are hearing almost word for word was said about Medicare in the mid 60's. There were politicians speaking against it, complaining about it etc. Today, these very same people or people they represent are speaking against this new law.in some cases it is almost parallel reasoning depending on the item being addressed. These are not new arguments and they are made by roughly the same people.
Here is something that i hope will give you some comfort. Before any of this started, the Hudson and Cato institutes both extremely conservative think tanks made proposals about how to refine America's health insurance system. By and large, the method chosen is very similar to eh method that these institutes proposed. More personal responsibility, subsidy of the low income, state or regional exchanges and lifting maximum lifetime limits.
that is close to what we have.
Oh as far as durable medical equipment, the plan design you employer chooses is not dependent on the federal law, so long as it meets the minimum requirements. Yes durable is a concern, but be careful not to mix employer issues with the deferral requirements. Not all changes here are perpetrated as a result of this law, however, most folks may blame the federal law.