I would like to hear from fellow diabetics who may have used this new system. My employer is offering a new program for diabetics called “Livongo” in our upcoming benefit year starting July 1. I presently use a OneTouch verio meter which communicates with my iPhone as well as Dexcom G6 which also communicates with my iPhone and gives alerts. My reviews of this Livongo meter, unlimited strips, and coaching have not persuaded me to change from what is presently working well. With Dexcom, I do not use a lot of strips anyway so the cost is not very high over the year.
Here is a link to some information. Your experience is appreciated!
My old employer offered this to our workers also, however, I looked up the blood intake amount after trying to use it, and noticed it required. .8 microliters where the verio only uses. .4… so I stopped using it.Screenshot_20200514-124155|281x500 the auto replenishment is based on your meter, so I would imagine with the G6, you might end up being sent 50 strips twice a year give or take… an unlimited Cgm is the only program i"d personally consider.
I found the coaching to be pretty basic if you are already experienced. But the process of making an appointment and their follow-up was very good. I would have found the coaching very helpful about 12 years ago when I started insulin and my A1C was terrible. Access to a CDE is quick, easy, and free. You never know what might be helpful.
I worked for a company that offered this when I was first diagnosed. It was helpful for a novice who had no experience with meters or technology. I personally would not use it now that I’m on a Dexcom G6. It was great when I was using their meter and could order unlimited test strips to check my blood sugar more than 2 or 3 times a day.
I got one of these (huge) meters and strips in the mail from my prescription carrier. I tried it for a week and then wondered if it was the meter because I was having higher than normal readings. Then, one day I tested the machine against my One Touch Verio and indeed the Verio gave a number that was 35 points lower. Hum… Maybe sine it’s free with unlimited strips, it’s not so great. And yes, it takes a lot more blood than other meters. …-:((( I went back to the Verio and am getting numbers closer to what I am used to. Hope this helps.
Thanks Jean and others for relating your experiences! It is worth the small extra price for OneTouch Verio strips you use to double check my Dexcom readings! I will not make use of this “free” Livongo meter and strips!
Thanks, Rob.
I am currently using Livongo, only because it’s free. It does require more blood and test results are up to 20 points higher or more. This is a huge issue if your blood sugar is reading 70 because you actually are closer to 48 or 50. I’ve learned to adjust to this discrepancy. I did call Livongo to discuss this issue and would they consider within range is quite broad. You really have to figure it out for yourself.
Hope this helps in your decision!
… Sorry, I meant to say they consider this within range…
Thanks this detail is helpful. The FDA should tighten the BG monitor requirements! I tried a less expensive tester from Walmart and the readings were all over the place.
At least if you know that the tester is ALWAYS 20 points higher at least you can consider that!
I hope to contact my Benefits department with some of these lessons learned about Livongo. Not very helpful except for perhaps newbies with diabetes.
That pretty much echoes my experience with Livongo versus Verio. However, with T2D I only get a limited amount of strips for the Verio, so I’m using the Livongo a lot and comparing it with the VerioFlex on an average of twice a day (my Verio script max) and extrapolate from there. The VerioFlex is still a lot more portable (when removed from its bulky case) and my choice for carrying around and sports activities.
Same issue here. Compared to my Ultra machine the Livongo is consistently 10-40 points higher. Do not understand why these machines are not calibrated.
Not necessarily. I started to take three measurements for an average. Just today with my Livongo Machine I had 188, 156, and 137. My ultra 2 machine read 136. Livongo should be thrown away. It is throwing numbers out like throwing darts at a wall. All measurements were taken at the same time from the same finger stick.
It was a long time ago, so I can’t remember specifics, but I found the meter to be way off. No wonder it was free from my insurance company. I have a CGM now, but I actually find the Wal Mart Reli-On meter to work OK if I need it. If you want name brand the Accu Check Guide was also good, and maybe a little more reliable.