Anyone using Victoza or Byetta?

I have been trying to find something to help my daughter lose some of the weight that she has gained since an endo decided that there was no reason for her to stay on Metformin, which was prescribed by another endo. Symlin had been suggested but it would be too difficult for her to manage with her disability.
I recently read Think Like a Pancreas and saw mentioned that Victoza and Byetta can work off label for type 1. Either of those would work for her because they are just once or twice a day, not with each meal and snack that is more than 25 carbs. Also saw interestingly enough that Metformin is going to be tested on teens funded by JDRF.
She has an appointment with the endo that mentioned Symlin next week, so I wanted to have as much info as possible before then.

here's our Victoza Group

and our Byetta Group