I've been tracking my blood sugar for the past 4-5 months. I finally realized that the headaches, shakiness, mind-fog etc. might be low blood sugar related, and sure enough once I started testing, I could see a pattern. My PCP ordered a GTT, and below are the results.
fasting - 95
1 hour - 172
2 hour - 57
3 hour - 74
I can't remember what my a1c was, but it was under 6 (5.6?)
Since then, I've been to a nutritionist, and have made changes to my diet. Smaller meals throughout the day. More whole grains, fiber, vegetables, proteins, and less bad carbs (white rice, bread, pasta) along with reducing sugar anywhere I can. I think it has helped, since I can definitely see that my numbers are more even, and the swings are less drastic.
But. There are still times when I am low (55-60) regardless of the small meals/snacks. I'm also finding weird highs. 145, 167 even when I've forgotten to eat. The same salad on two different days can put me at 140, or at 89.
At the same time as the GTT, I also tested positive for one of the markers for lupus, although I don't seem to have any symptoms. I was gestational diabetic during my pregnancy (13 years ago), and had to go on insulin almost immediately after dx. My father was type 2. He was also obese, smoked for a number of years, and had a long history of cardiac problems and poor diet. Even after he was diagnosed, he never seemed to get control his blood sugar.
I could stand to lose 10lbs, but am fairly active, and in general didn't have a bad diet to begin with. No, I wasn't eating small "appropriate" meals, but I never really ate fast food, drank soda, or gorged myself on massive amounts of chips/cookies/candy.
Should I be doing anything different other than my dietary changes and keeping active? I realize my #'s are nowhere near alarming, but I'd like to get better control over the roller coaster.
Thanks for any input.