Basal Balance

My TTD is between 9 and 13 units a day.I recently increased my basal rate and decreased my carb bolus.My basal balance is close to 40% but sometimes it is 36%.My blood sugars are good and I have very little lows.Is this an acceptable balance?I am also sensitive to insulin.

I am also very sensitive to insulin when not on steroids as I am now. So I know how you feel about all of this. According to the Pumping Insulin book most folks are 50/50 or 60/40. I would suggest that if you do basal testing and your numbers stay in range, then you are good to go with what you are doing. I found that when I was at less than 40% basal that if I missed a meal my sugars went up. This showed me that I was taking too much at boluses and not enough basal. So I did basal tests for a week or so and then had to adjust my carb ratio. I was using 12g per unit all day and it turns out I actually have 4 carb ratios depending on what time of day it is and what meds I am on (ie steroids). BTW I hate doing basal tests because I hate skipping meals!

My basal balance is weird as well, but it works for me. My basal only makes up about 18-25% of my TDD (depending on how many carbs I eat that day) but I’ve done basal tests and I’m fine even if I don’t eat! I think everyone’s balance is just different. My TDD is higher than yours, but I am also very insulin sensitive.

Thanks guys! That’s what I figured.It’s working for me so I won’t mess with success!