Ughh. I can hear my wife toss and turn in the bed next to me. I slowly slide the covers off and sneak out the living room to test again. I'm step carefully to miss the dogs...who aren't there! The wonderdogs, Dozer and Dropkick Murphy are at summer camp - really my wife's parents.
I had a crazy low out of the blue yesterday evening. A 35, which is pretty unusual for me. It's been months and months since a treat like that. And it was one I couldn't pinpoint. It came on in a hot shower, Dexcom out of hearing range, and the sweaty shakes masked by the shower.
Treating the low was a breeze, but at 35 I'm sure I got a liver dump. Woke at 11:30 at 278, and dosed. Woke at 2:00, and dosed. The day begins with a tolerable 140.
But even a crappy nights rest can't quell this Red Rider's excitement. Shoot, it gave me something to focus on! We're off to the airport in an hour. Everything is packed and ready. My carry on daypack looks like a field medics kit. My super wife and soigneur worries about airport security, mostly about TSA hassling me. But we made it through unscathed and on time the day after the Underwear Bomber fizzled out, so wee can make it through anything!
So it's off to Alaska! Allez, Allez!