Bent cannulas, what to do?

I have been experiencing bent cannulas. I gave been on my pump for a little more than a week and have noticed that every cannula I have removed has been bent at the end between 1/8 to 1/4 inch from the tip. The last one I had to remove because of a no delivery alarm and rising bg levels. My first two set were bent but still working when removed the third was not.

I am using the quick sets that everyone gets with a new pump. I have read that bent cannulas are the result of it hitting muscle. I'm not an overweight person anymore and my BMI is within the normal range but I don't consider myself lean either.

Are the 9mm cannulas I'm using to long or do I need to look into using a different set such as a silhouette.


I'm not familiar with the Medtronic sets, Gary, so I can't offer specifics. But I was having a lot of bent canulas or other problems and so posted on here and got a lot of good advice, both general and specific to Animas. Some of the things I found useful: Review your technique - go over the instructions line by line, I realized after months I was holding my hand improperly! Also, some people suggested standing up when you insert, which I hadn't thought of and it really helped my success rate! I also feel I get a smoother insertion when I hold the set flat against my belly in a vertical direction rather than a horizontal one.

Finally, ask your supplier for a choice of sets you can experiment and see which one works best for you.

I have had a few bent cannulas with silhouettes only, but never with Quicksets. Others have the opposite. Seems to vary by individual. Using a different length may help, or may be too short. So the best advice is to call Minimed, and ask them to send samples of the various sets, and try for yourself.

Some have better luck with silhouette because you can vary the angle of insertion. But I prefer quicksets because I can reach more areas and insert/remove one-handed, which I found harder to do w/silhouettes.

Sure-Ts are metal, so there can't be a bent cannula, but I have never tried them.

Another thing that helps is to squeeze/pinch up the area of skin if possible, before insert. Although this is easier to do when you don't use the spring-loaded inserter device.

I did very poorly on Quicksets. Even switching to the short Quicksets, I still had painful sites. After my initial Quicksets, I have always used Silhouettes and ever since they were available, the short Silhouettes. I insert them manually and very rarely have a problem set. Maybe once a year. I tried Mios, but they are really the same as Quicksets but with a built-in inserter.

I am now pumping with Animas and use the short Comforts which are identical to Silhouettes. In fact I’ve been able to keep using the Silhouette sets but using the Animas tubing.

I will say that the insertion needle for the Silhouettes is a bit daunting, but a scary insertion is worth it for three days of no problems. The manual insertion enables me to insert the set at a shallow angle so I have no problems with hitting muscle.

As I said all my cannulas have been bent. I didn't know if some bending might be normal. But after the last one failed I felt that I was just lucky to not have had them all fail.


Gary are you manually inserting the quick sets? I had that problem too, but I never used the injector. BUT if you pinch your skin up when you insert the set, and KEEP your skin pinched up while removing the needle. ALL MANUAL, that has worked wonders for me and no more bent canulla's in a year.

I also insert my sites just about as low on my abdomen as I can. Location might have something to do with it too, if your site is located somewhere when u move it gets a lot of abuse. Finally Medtronic is very good about sending out samples of their different infusion sets to try. Give them a call.

I have been using the inserter that I was given. I really don't like the darn thing it is clumsey to use. My next set I'm am going to insert manually and see if that works better. I am also going to call my rep about sample sets. Thanks

That inserter scared the bejezus out of me, hahaha and I don't scare easy, but I think its impossible with the inserter to get your skin pinched up to insert so the cannula end up in the fatty area of your skin. Inserting manually I don't think is any worse than doing injections. I pinch, insert and once needle is in, while skin is still pinched, i smooth out the adhesive, and then before releasing my skin, I pull the needle out. Let me know how that works for you, hoping it works as well for you as it did for me. Bent cannula's are not fun.

I too use the Quicksets (6mm) with the inserter. My BMI falls into the lower end of normal, so to reduce the chance of kinked sets, I utilize the areas with adequate "padding" as it were - and still manage to rotate sites effectively. I don't pinch up or anything. As mentioned previously, getting a few samples of the different sets, including some Quicksets with the shorter cannula should help you decide which works best for you.

I tried Silhouettes, with and without the inserter/harpoon and neither worked for me, unfortunately. The Quickserter is useful to me, as I can easily insert in places such as my behind and the back of the arm without needing to be a contortionist. :)

Arrrh, be careful with bent cannuals. I ended up in DKA and ICU because of it.

Just to update where I'm at I called Medtronics today and they are sending me some different sets to try. They are sending me some 6mm Quicksets, some Silouettes and some Sure-T's, I'm sure I will find one that works. Wish me luck.


I haven’t read ll the comments, but I’d say the 9 mm sets are only suitable if you are a super sized adult. I’d go shorter, and maybe try an angled site.

I like the Silhouettes a lot. I haven't had any problems with them. Like ever. I had one pull out with a Quickset and tried the Silhouettes and never went back. The trainer was sort of like "you have enough [fat, I think I was c. 220-225 lbs or so when I got my pump?]" and, at the time, Silhouettes were marketed for skinnier people but they've worked great for me.

What I recall from using all the sets available from Medtronic is not necessarely what the infusion set looks like , when removed , but the results of the blood tests taken over the time one has started a new set . I have been using the MM Sure-T's 8 mm and am relatively happy as long as I replace after 2 days and a few hours .

Just to update what I ended up with was the 13mm Silhouettes. I have just started my 2nd box and have not had a single problem since switching. I was OK with the Sure T but the shorter 6mm Quicksets also gave problems. It'll be Silhouettes for me for now on.

Funny thing is that I told my rep before I got my pump that I was not an overweight T2 and they sent me the 9mm Quicksets anyway she said that was the standard for a T2. I'm not complaining Medtronic was great in helping me solve my problem

Thanks everyone for your input.

Good news Stemwinder !! and happy to read , you are willing to try , what may work for you .I believe that officially the Sure-T's are promoted for kids ...oh , well I am over 72 :)

Are you inserting them by hand? I’m a fan of Silhouettes and always insert them manually. You can insert them at a very shallow angle which is nice to do on areas that don’t have much fat. I’m now on an Animas pump and use the Comfort Shorts which are identical to the Silhouettes 13mm. Same manufacturer, different name.

Thanks Nel, I was willing to try anything but didn't know Sure T's were promoted for Kids. I like them but not as much as the silhouettes.

And yes Laddie I do insert them by hand. I did try the harpoon thingy they call a Sil-serter. I found manual insertion to be a much smoother operation. The Sil-serter was for me a bone jarring experience.

I never tried the Silserter because my pump trainer told me that it horrible and that manual insertion was the way to go. I’ve been using these sets for so long that I mostly ignore the long inserter needle. It’s worth a bit of pain to have problem-free sites.