Well hello there tudiabetes bloggers and random googlers,
sooo life has been interesting lately. Guess what, my A1c went up. 7.3 and i have dangerously low B12 and vitamin D levels. fun fun. So since my pump has not been doing wonders for me ( i was a 6.3 a year ago before i started, now im higher…defeating the point of the pump?!) and ive been diabetic for 5 or 6 years now and i STILL don’t have any decent control over my BG at alllll-- I am thoroughly frustrated.
I saw a new Endo about 2 weeks ago. she wasn’t really all that great. She new next to nothing about the pump and any questions i had she referred me to other doctors/specialists or told me to call medtronic. great. listen lady, If i wanted to call medtronic when im experiencing a high of 350 I would- the point of coming to see you, my lovely new Endo was so that i could get better help! arg! …i wish i still lived in NY, my old Endo was fantastic! oh well- the positive of this doctors trip was that she referred me to a diabetes center nearby where i shall be venturing to next week for a 3 day CGMS test. basically i get to be hooked up to a Continuous glucose monitor ( i wish i could afford one of my own :/) for 3 days and on the 4th day i report back to my doctor, they unhook me and upload the results of the past 3 days. to better see the trends of my BG levels in connection to food, sleep, exercise, etc etc. Im hoping this will help me out.
2 weeks ago i was having hypos every morning. I’m talking numbers like 38, 45, 62…real lows here. then the Endo changed 2 of my basal rates. now Im high all the time. i hate the balancing act of diabetes!!
in better news, I’m becoming even more open with my diabetes. I used to be really hush hush about it and hide it. But frankly that just makes things difficult. And since i don’t eat normally (i limit carbs to usually 35g or less, im a vegetarian, and i hate guessing what restaurant foods are so i don’t really eat out much these days), its a HUGE damper on my social life. [another thing i want to get my BG levels stable so i can at out again and socialize normally. meh] but i digress, like i was saying, I’m finding it easier to just blatantly state that Hey yo, Ive got diabetes, so no, i cant go out for pizza, sorry. while yes sometimes people are uncomfortable or don’t know what diabetes is, or my favorite reaction " oh that’s cool, my grandpa has diabetes"…grr…im finding more so that a lot of people are cool and don’t mind it. (still finger pricking does make alot of my friends queasy lol)
oy. well… I guess eventually my eating will get back to a normal level that i can accompany my friends out to dinner without bringing my own food or just eating salad.
Somedays i curse my diabetes, sometimes I’m thankful for it for the better/stronger person its made me. The other day I was in a supermarket and I saw what appeared to be a cancer patient. Seeing someone who has another disease always makes me grateful for the life i do have, even if i cant eat normally and i have to be connected to my pump, I guess i’d rather have this nuisance than have something worse.
It just gets to me when my perfectly healthy friends down an entire container of ben & jerrys and all they get to complain about is how fat they are. lol.
long rant. lots of incorrect grammar and some typos, hooray!