Well, I didn't cough so much last night, took some prednisone yesterday and feeling better today. (My pulmonologist gives me a certain leeway with the prednisone, which goes with the COPD territory.) So, I'm tired and cold today but not coughing or feeling lousy like yesterday. Hopefully, it was just the weather change, the next few days will tell.
My sister, brother-in-law and daughter have all started counting carbs with me. They've all been wanting to lose weight and when my sister saw the carb plan (she went with me to the diabetic educator session) she decided to give it a whirl. So, we're trading recipes and ideas which is kind of cool.
Tomorrow I'm going to find an endocrinologist and make an appt. My diabetic educator was very surprised to hear I didn't have one, especially with me having COPD. So, I should get better glucose control when I'm on steroids without having to guess about how much to increase my insulin.