Breakfast ideas

So I need some ideas for quick breakfasts, or at least something that I can grab quickly to eat in the morning when I am in a rush. (Which basically means something with near zero preparation time. And I don't have a microwave ...) I often will eat breakfast at work, which I don't mind doing, but my blood sugar does NOT like it when I leave without eating ... For some reason I seem to be okay when I sleep in, and also if I just lounge around the house after waking up (as happened on the 16th, although I think my basal rates were also too high), but if I leave without eating I spike big time!

(Also: AMAZING blood sugars with my new infusion sets! I've been lowering my pump settings due to all the lows, but I think I'm getting there. Also, amazing how I can test 12 times one day and only 6 or 7 the next; today I was busy teaching literally all day with no breaks.)

Sept. 16
6:09 AM - 4.0 (72)
7:49 AM - 4.9 (88) - Breakfast
9:22 AM - 4.7 (85)
11:55 AM - 3.4 (61)
12:41 PM - 5.7 (103) - Lunch
4:19 PM - 6.7 (121)
5:18 PM - 3.2 (58)
6:19 PM - 6.9 (124)
7:27 PM - 3.6 (65) - Dinner
8:56 PM - 5.4 (97)
11:41 PM - 5.4 (97)
1:04 AM - 3.7 (67) - Couldn't get to sleep

Sept. 17
6:37 AM - 4.7 (85)
8:54 AM - 11.7 (211) - Breakfast
12:19 PM - 4.7 (85) - Lunch
2:59 PM - 3.1 (56)
5:41 PM - 4.4 (79) - Dinner
8:21 PM - 3.8 (68)

I like eggs enough that I've developed a morning routine to make time to make them. I've added AM cross-training as well, then there's making coffee (we use a French Press, which is labor-intensive...) so I just get up at 4:00. We have 2x kinds of bread, 7G of carb/ slice and 15G so I will see how things are doing and decide what, if any, toast to go w/ the eggs and fry it up. In terms of time, I think it's less time to eat the eggs and not have to clean up a BG mess by 9-10:00 AM.

There are these Kind Bars, the Walnut-Macadamia Protein flavor that are pretty tasty and only 15G of carbs, a bit more than eggs but still lighter than cereal.

Another thing I've done is just like 1/2 servings of cereal. We've saved some small, plastic "kids" bowls we got at IKEA when junior was little and they are a portion size of cereal that's smaller, and also handy for weighing things. I weigh stuff like that to make sure I get the carb count correct. If a serving is 34G (weight, not carbs!) on the box, I'll eat 17G and it's 1/2 the carbs, less impact.

Those are great results by the way! I can see the lows would be intrusive but it seems like a big change to get you numbers to there compared with some of the other logs you've shared. Great work!

I know it seems disgusting, but how about a protein shake? You can mix a scoop of low carb protein powder and a cup of cream in a shaker, give it a couple shakes and down the gullet. It hardly takes a minute, cleaning the shaker takes longer. If you can't tolerate the full cream (which is very low carb), you can substitute milk which has 12g carbs or mix half cream half water (I don't recommend just water). I find that the protein in particular seems to tamper down my Darn Phenomenon and keeps me from getting hungry.

Thanks AR. My numbers of a few days before aren't quite as "pretty" but that's also when I was having issues with my infusion sets falling out, which may have been the cause. I woke up this morning at 8.0 (144 mg/dl) and before I really thought I found myself thinking, "Oh, I'm high," which is just crazy! I may have put my basal rates down a bit too much ...

I like the idea of a protein bar or shake. I weight literally everything I can, so something packaged would be nice, that way I can just grab it. My main problem is mornings like this morning where I sleep in. I planned to get a blood test and a quick dentist appointment this morning, but slept in so the blood test is postponed, and I won't have time after my appointment as I'll have to get to work. I will skip breakfast this morning, but I did have coffee with soy milk and bolused 3 units (1.5 for BG, 1.5 just for "extra" we'll see what it does).

I think the real solution is me getting more organized and making my breakfast/lunch (or at least getting some stuff ready) the night before, and then not sleeping in. :)

And thanks Brian, too (apparently I can't edit comments on blogs)!

some other places here with breakfast ideas

and this one, which contains the TuDiabetes-famous recipes for almond flour pancakes from our Gerri, for you to treat yourself on a weekend

Wow, thanks for those resources! I'll check them all out after work. I started using almond milk a few years ago and last year started using almond flour. I like it regular than regular flour. :)

How about greek yogurt - with or without fruit? Prepackaged and full of protein.

That being said, if you're willing to measure things out the night before, there's nothing saying you need to eat a traditional breakfast for breakfast. You could just have leftovers from dinner - measure out your dinner and breakfast portions at the same time....

But I hope the protein bars can work for you. I haven't found one yet that would work amidst my allergies.

I’ve started using protein shakes for breakfast as well, but I mix it with soy milk which adds a tiny bit more protein and more flavor/thickness than water (you can also do basically any other kind of milk). You could even just shake this up and then take it with you in the car. I also second the Kind bar suggestion - there is another variety with nuts + dark chocolate that is only 15 g carb. They are pricey but you can sometimes find a deal on amazon.

For the last 2 weeks we have been using the Magic Bullet.
I put in 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup of mixed frozen berries, and 1 cup of almond milk.
Delicious frozen smoothie.
My biggest problem has been the brain freeze from drinking it too fast...

I often see questions about breakfast, dinner lunch people know what eat. why breakfast?
when I look in old memories, old books, people never divided and separeted food like we do in our times. Why eg for breakfast only? we have ste some menu ny food companies-cerio , etc. Now when I know I am diaberic all food is good for me for all meals, I think the best is fresh and low carb. Breakfast is important, after 8 h of sleap my body needs sth constructive, not cerio or one egg . I eat nurishing things, vegies I can eat, meat, whatever I have preapred for dinner or unch. Im not programmed by TV and food companies. I am diabetic.