I used my buttock this morning when I replaced my infusionset.I am scared of scar tissue if I use my tummy too long.What should I expect?Will my absorption be different?Just wondering.
Absorption can vary depending on where you put your infusion set. I rotate my sites from abdoment, upper buttock area, upper arm and thigh to avoid scarring. I find the difference in absorption to be minimal enough that it’s not been an issue for me.
I use my buttocks exclusively. It’s less painful than using my stomach, and less in the way of things. I don’t notice any difference in absorption but as usual, YMMV
I get horrible absorption there, but YMMV.
I have had good absorption in my buttock so far.At first I thought it was going to be bad because I went up from 180(10.0) to 216(12).It slowly started to go down after an hour.If I continue to get good results there I will use that area regularly.
Thank-you all for your replies.I am doing very well with using my buttocks.My fears are gone.
Hi everyone! So I use an Animas pump and was trained to only put in on my tummy or butt…so last week I put it on my arm for the first time! It was a little difficult to figure out how to hod it in my bta but hey i got it to work!
I love the arm!