I’m T1 and have been on an Animas pump for about 8 years and I feel like the only place that I can use for sites is my butt, I’m starting to develop scar tissue there. Any tips on locations &/or different infusion sets to use to decrease the pain? I use 6 infusion sets now and am open to suggestions.
Hi Kolo, I’m a T-2 and have been pumping for a year now. My Dr. classifies me as “skinny” too. I also have the problem of I have no butt ! Dr. Sue has me using my stomach for all my sites and using the angled Inset 30. She tells me it is great for those with little to no body fat. So far in all the sets I haven’t had any pain, nor have I had any problems with bent or crimped canulas.
Give them a try !
I don’t have any suggestions because I always use my stomach. I get kinks in any other spot. I am interested to know where on your butt you put it? I feel like it would get in the way there, or I would sit on it. Or do you do it more like where a love handle would be if you had one? Hahaha, sorry for turning your question into my own question but I need suggestions too but I need to stop using my stomach!!!
What length of cannula are you using? My thin T1 daughter uses her tummy mostly and has now branched out to the backs of her arms with great success - she uses a Cleo 90 with a 6mm cannula.
I’m glad you posted this question. I was just speaking with a Minimed rep today about trying the 6mm quick set. I am a thin person and I use the 13mm Silhouette set. I put them on my backside starting an inch or two below the rib cage and down. I also use them on my stomach and the top sides of my thighs. I am hoping that by trying the 6mm quick set I can get more sites like closer to my sides and possibly more places on my thighs or backside.
When she puts it on her arm is it on the back of the arm only? And what do you do with the tubing?
Does this set come with an automatic inserter, I had angled sets a while ago, but i had to manually guide them in, not too much fun.
It is a 6 mm cannula but goes in at 90 degrees, my doc told me i wasn’t allowed to use my arms. Is the Cleo something supplied by ANimas, i have never heard of it.
I started pumping with the quicksets, but I had a no delivery alarm every day. So about a week later, I switched to the silhouettes and haven’t looked back. I was using my stomach, my fattest body part, and they would still hit muscle under the fat.
I use my upper thighs, sides, top of my butt mostly. I hate using my stomach, it makes me feel fat and uncomfortable for some reason, but I do use it every few months or so just to give my legs a break.
I use an angles set, the Silhouette, which has an inserter that I don’t use. I find that getting a good pinch of skin help keep the cannula from going in too deep.
To help avoid scar tissue, find at least four (4) areas you can use and then use each area five (5) times, inserting your set in a star pattern. Helps me.
I agree - try the Silhouettes or in Animas speak are the Comforts I believe. I, like Terry, manually insert the sets as the inserter looks like it would powerhouse it in, and I am not a fan of that.
I use the Quicksets for the back of the arm - 6mm. I use the longest tubing for the arms 43’, and place the set so the tubing is pointed upwards, and snake the tubing through my bra strap and clip the pump in my pocket or jeans. You can also clip to your bra if you want to use the shorter tubing.
Thanks! This helps.
Before they had the 13mm Silhouette I didn’t use my stomach. After they came out with the 13mm I am now able to use them. How far on the tops of your thighs do you use them?
I would say the area on my thighs I use is about equal to the size of my hand if you line up the base of the thumb w/ the hip bone- thumb covers about the area I use on the front and the rest of the hand and fingers cover the area on the side I use.
Thank you. It’s good to know what works for people. Helps with coming up with new ideas.
How does she disconnect the site when it’s on the back of her arm? I’m relatively new to the pump (5 months) and I have only used my thighs and lower back/hip/bum. I cannot disconnect one-handed, so I can’t use the back of my arm, but I’d like to! (I use Inset IIs and an Animas Ping).
Im skin and bones (5’ 9" 136 lbs), and use the Minimed Quickset 6mm & 9mm Infusion sets with no issues since I started the pump in February. The 9mm I do get pain from in certain spots (stomach mostly), so have since switched to the 6mm and no issues, at all, I usually drink a glass of juice after every insertion site to make sure I dont get any no delivery alarms as the alarms never wake me up.
I have to use the inserter, if I dont, then I get the no delivery’s constantly. I am sure its probably user error in that regards though.
Use them in my Stomach, Arm, Legs, havent tried the rump yet, that just seems so uncomfortable, but I also slouch quite a bit in my chairs.
The silhouettes I got a sample off, and im scared of them putting that in just doesnt look fun and the 6mm quicksets have been perfectly fine for me so far.