Ive been reading on the internet that Humalog cant handle the heat in the pump. Some people have issues with it and some people don't have an issue. Is humalog stable under 100 degrees. Should i switch to another insulin that's better in the heat like Novolog. I don't have AC in my car, but i do have AC at work and in my room. My house doesn't have AC What has been everyone experiences with this issue.
I use humalog and I've never had a problem with it. I live in New England, and our summers are pretty hot and sticky...yet my bg's remain stable.
I do use a Frio cooler if I'm going to be carrying my insulin bottle with me, but the insulin that's actually IN my pump (next to my body) stays good for the entire 3 1/2 days between site changes.
I have used humalog for a long time, when I was younger and had to go to soccer camp, my pump was outside for most of the day in 90 degree heat, I don't remember having any problems. I did have problems with Apidra though, even in the winter it would not last more than 2 days in my pump. Hope that helps.
Yeah thank you for your comments, I freak out about everything my mom tells me not to worry about things. I read stuff on the internet and freak out. I'm sick of this diabetes stuff, when i found out i had type one 6 years ago my life ended.
Dude, stop freaking out. While T1D is a HUGE pain in the butt, it's not the end of your life. It is manageable and I know it's even taught me a few skills that I wouldn't have had otherwise. Oh yeah, and you also get this really cool online community of folks who also have lazy pancrei. I mean, c'mon, what other disease gets you an immediate bunch of online friends?
Incidentally, I've been using Humalog in pumps for years and never had an issue. I've even gone camping in extreme heat and not had an issue. I don't think it's a problem. I also have reused the old insulin in the reservoir for quite some time too and not had an issue.
I have used Humalog in my pump before and experienced really hot weather with it and never had a problem. Like someone else said, Apidra is a different story. In my experience, Apidra can't handle heat as well as Humalog/Novalog, but it works so much better for me that I use it. So, just keep that in mind for the future if you ever use Apidra. But if you stick with Humalog or Novalog you should be just fine.
I didn't know that about Apidra. I thought Apidra was well tolerated during warm conditions when used in a pump. I will have to watch that in the future. Thanks, Erin, for the heads up. Apidra works very well for me in my pump.
I second what MBP says. Diabetes can be a pain, but can be completely manageable. It's also a complete balancing act and a learn-as-you-go type of situation. There is plenty of stuff out there on the net that could be scary, particularly if you aren't familiar with the "big picture" (either biological, down to the cellular level; or financial, down to the level of the guy trying to sell you something). Pay no attention to that stuff. I don't.
Worry about what you can control (like your blood sugars) -- that's all you can do -- and you'll get by just fine. I've been doing it for over 30 years, and am prepared to do it for another 30.
So are you saying you haven't had any problems with your Apidra when it's hot, Brian? I use Apidra, but this will be the first summer on a pump I'm living somewhere it gets really hot (like triple digits)
I have pumped both Novolog and Humalog for many years with no heat related problems. For some reason I get better pp numbers with Novolog so I have stuck with it for the last few years.
I haven't had my pump long enough for it to be very hot. I got it in late summer last year, and it wasn't really hot in Minnesota last summer either. I had heard that Humalog in a pump was subject to plugging. Ihad also heard that Apidra was not. Now Erin says the opposite; thus I am a bit confused. I work in the heat and in the cold, so I am not quite sure what to expect. It didn't freeze up this past winter, although the winter was mild.
Ah, I guess we'll both have to see what happens...kind of like the answer to most D questions! I've had my pump since 1/11, but last summer lived in the Bay Area where if it gets to 75 everyone freaks out over the heatwave. I definitely won't mind if I have to lower all my insulin intake for a few months!
My experience on Apidra is it was great for the first day or two, then like clockwork it would lose potency - really fast. I didn't realize that coming on here that it's not recommended for use in pumps.
Also last summer, I was afraid to spend too much time outside for fear that my insulin would die! I did like Apidra but for me it was the same action and duration of humalog.
I think that was once true but it has now changed. If you read the paper insert inside of a vial of Apidra, it now says that it shouldn’t be used in a pump for more than 2 days (not 3 days like the other 'logs).
Personally, I found my reservoir running empty a lot with a 2-day supply, and since I couldn’t carry a spare vial with me without refrigeration, I ended up switching back to Novolog rather quickl?y out of necessity.