Hello All, This is my first summer with my pump and I am worried about the insulin in my pump. My work is in the heat and in Tennessee summer days usually the hi the mid to high nineties, heck during last summers record heat wave we hit 108.
I have been thinking about a Frio pump case but I have not seen much written here about it. Has anyone used one and how well does it work?
I may be overly cautious here and if I am someone please correct me.
I never put my pump in a cooler, even on the beach or on hot humid long hikes. Never had an issue with my insulin degrading. I just keep my pump out of the sun, of course. So as long as you are not heating up your insulin I think it will be okay. Being overly cautious is not a bad thing so if it makes you more comfortable to wear a cooler case on your pump then go for it. I don't even keep my insulin cold once the cap is popped, I just keep it in the cupboard.
Yeah I’ve never been overly cautious with the temp of my insulin. I keep my pump in my pants pocket so I’m sure it heats up, but I’ve never had a problem with it degrading.