Can't decide on Insulin pump

Thank you for your feedback! I am in full research mode and everything I am learning about via this forum is helpful :slight_smile:

Thank you for your feedback!! :slight_smile:

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I used a Medtronic pump for 5 years, but I didnā€™t like it, plus it did not have a cgm addition back then, and if I wanted to use Dexcom, i would have had to sell a kidney to afford it, however, I recently switched to tresiba and am seeing much less hypoglycemiaā€¦ I always thought levemir and lantus felt like nph, always lower every 6 hours, but tresiba is an actual differenceā€¦ something to consider if you decide to pump and then decide its not for youā€¦ 6.2 is fine thoughā€¦ the reason they switched to 7 as the goal was the risk of complications pretty much ended at 7, and people were dying trying to get to 5s

Make sure you clearly understand the exact details of that 30-day money-back guarantee. I would not depend on a customer service characterization of the return policy but would carefully read their actual policy.

Iā€™ve read recently about one person who reported that the pump company started the 30-day clock when it shipped the pump to the customer. Due to needing to set up a trainer session and other understandable delays, this person did not decide to return the pump until more than 30 days from the original ship date and the company denied the return and full credit.

I think trying out each pump is the best way to make a choice that you donā€™t regret and will serve you well for four years.

Good point @Terry4! I ā€™m not sure when the 30 day clock started. You might check on that. I know they were going to send a trainer 3 weeks out as they were training a new person so I insisted I needed one within a week so I had time to actually test it within the 30 days. Do keep that in mind. It didnā€™t end up mattering, I loved my Omnipod.

Omnipod all the way. I love its simplicity, one piece design and no tubes! It is really easy to use, and I hear the new one utilizes a locked down old Android phone so it takes any stigma way as it looks like you are on your phone! And you never have to disconnect ever. I used to have a Medtronic 630 but am so glad I switched.

It may be a challenge to get full evaluation of Medtronic 670G, with sensor and auto mode, in a 30 day period, unless you are already using/familiar with pump and cgms.

Thank you for the heads up. I will definitely get the details before proceeding!

Thatā€™s very interesting! I just got a quote back from Omnipod on the old vs. new system. And I appreciate that it makes me look like Iā€™m on my phone :smile:

Used a Minimed tubed pump for 10 years before becoming the first Onmipod commercial user. Would never go back to a tubed pump or one that didnā€™t auto prime & insert. Between the OmniPod & G6, I feel non diabetic. Just passed my 65th anniversary as a Type 1 since age 4



T1D in 1954? Wow! Congrats on your long victory.

Way to go Andy1

I started pumping in January after 3 months with a Dexcom G6. I went with the Tandem X2 because of the integration with the Dex. I donā€™t mind the tube at all.

My A1C is down to 5.6.

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