Celebrating International Women's Day

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, I am the new Office and Volunteer Coordinator for the Diabetes Hands Foundation and I’d like to invite you all to honor International Women’s Day by sharing a comment or story celebrating the women in our community.

Since the day I joined I have found some of the best and most supportive WOMAN on here, encouraging me, listening to me moan and groan without ever judging me.

Showing me that diabetes does not have to break you down but making you even more of a WOMAN giving you a chance to be a sexy, sassy, classy and sweeter then most WOMAN.

I just want to give a shout out to all the diabetics and mothers of diabetics out there. No one will ever know the struggles have and will overcome.

I was asked to talk about angels at a meeting one day recently. And although I believe in the celestial kind, spiritual kind, I found myself talking about the mothers of children with diabetes, mothers whose children are on breathing monitors, have to have meds in the middle of the night. These are angels. Some work outside of the home, some do not or can’t because of their child’s illness. These women and mothers everywhere are angels in the truest sense. God bless them all.

Oh, I was proud of her because she’s Puerto Rican, like me… but now I will be even prouder. lol

Very well said. :slight_smile:

The women on this board are from every where…the East, the West , Europe ,the Americas , the South , the North , any colour , any religion , any size , any education , any type of diabetes, any age …we are WOMEN …and making the world go around .
Emily Walton : love your profile picture !

what would the world do with out a women,can’t live with them,can’t live with out them!!
and what would diabetes do without women,here’s what I think why men have bad A1Cs"
women and men diabetics need diabetes supplies>>need them 24\7 >>need them when going out of the house <<need somwhere to carry>><<women have purses>>men don’t!!