Hi everybody,
I am considering getting a CGM. Can anyone share their experience with using one.
Thanks, Matt
Hi everybody,
I am considering getting a CGM. Can anyone share their experience with using one.
Thanks, Matt
I know I was thinking of getting one if I was going with the MinMed pump but Empire BCBS wouldn’t cover it for any reason.
Omnipod was supposed to be integrating a CGM into the pod at some point. Anyone have news on that?
I know many medical insurances don’t cover the CGM supplies. I wonder if insulet would offer two versions of the pod (with CGM and without) for that reason.
When I talked to my local sales rep about the new PDM, we talked briefly about the CGM integration. She confirmed that they are currently working on integrating the pod AND PDM with two different CGMs. One is the Freestyle Navigator, but I don’t remember the other one. She specifically said that the goal is to offer a choice between the two (and of course to offer pods without the CGM).
The bad news is that it is not close to ready, so “don’t expect anything until 2010.”
I just started using a Dexcom Seven Plus today - my insurance covered it, no problem. So far I’ve learned that I go low for about 10 minutes after I inject, then I shoot up high. Interesting (I’m not on a pump, due to be starting one in about a month). I’ll let you know how it goes!
I saw online that they have contracts with navigator and dexcom
I used the paradigm (minimed) in the past, but never had any success with getting it to read close to accurate. I do a lot of exercising (triathlete–so I am always swimming, biking, running, or eating) which makes it hard to calibrate. I’m sure that was part of the problem. I also did not like the length of the sensor insertion…painful for me.
I recently started using the Freestyle Navigator, and so far I’ve had great success…even w/ the exercising it’s been VERY accurate…It was actually a little shocking to see how close my finger stick BGs were to the readout screen
The navigator is a bit more bulky and has a goofy belt clip (in my opinion) so I’m still struggling to find the best way to carry it, but otherwise I like it. My insurance did not cover either one of my CGMs though…so that’s a bit of a pocketbook hit.
I really hope the insurance companies will see someday soon that by using these tools, persons with diabetes can live much better lives (and the insurance companies would, in fact, save money in the long run when they could steer clear of paying for amputations, eye surgeries, kidney transplants, etc, b/c of poor glucose control of persons earlier in life).
Thanks for all the replies.I have an appointment 06/17/09 to discuss my options.
I have been using the Dexcom Seven= and love it I wanted the navigator but after the issues I have read about I was not sure Abbott was going to continue it and I have found a way to import the data from it into copilot of which I am a big fan the dexcom seems very accurate if I enter alot of finger sticks I try to enter every stick i take into and the sensor is tiny. Also the problem with POD integration is site saturation maybe the will use 2 sensors and just have the PDm read them both who knows.
Yeah, I never picture an integrated CGM/Omnipod using a single pod/sensor site. I wouldn’t want to replace both if either went bad. Most sensors last longer than pod’s 3 days anyway. The Dex and Nav are top notch. I’d be very happy with either.
The latest info I had seen showed a pod infusion site coming out of one end of the unit, and the sensor coming out the other (well outside of the 1"-2" gap that most clinicians suggest if you are pumping and using a CGM at the same time. I agree with Don that there could be problems if either one went bad…I’m hoping the engineers are working to resolve issues like that
I just got my Dexcom and I love it. I am still on MDI until I get my pod training (can’t wait). I downloaded Copilot already and have been using it manually for about 2.5 months (the data entry is a drag). Could you tell me how you are importing Dexcom CGM results into Copilot? I haven’t installed the Dexcom software yet. Thanks, Brad
Insulet’s CEO presented at a health care conference last week, and announced that Dexcom CGM integration with the OmniPod PDM should be wrapped up with an FDA filing by the end of 2009. This is a bit out-of-step with an earnings teleconference about a month ago where the CEO was a bit cagier and refused to disclose whether CGM integration would be consummated with Dexcom or Abbott. You can listen to his presentation via a webcast available from the Investor Information section of Insulet’s website.
I am on week three of my Dexcom experience. At first, I hated it because I had several failed sensors, and I was calibrating my Dexcom monitor with too many glucometer readings (apparently, less is more on the calibration front) and I was getting bad data. But after three weeks, you would have to rip the Dexcom from my cold dead hands.
It’s been amazing at alerting me to highs and lows before I can detect them. In a nutshell, the Dexcom CGM gives me more data, alerts me to blood glucose trends, and has enabled me to take better care of my diabetes. The overnight data alone was an eye-opener – I reprogrammed my OmniPod to increase the basal rate at night to better account for dawn phenomena.
Try Dexcom’s 30-day money-back guarantee if you are skeptical. Good luck.