Hello, I have a question about my 3 year old little boy. Well first just let me say, I am T2 so is both of his grand-mothers and one great grandmother and aunt. I went to check my glucose this morning and he begged me to check his. So I did and fasting his sugar was 137. Is this something to freak out about or what. I am going crazy with worry.
You are probably just freaking out, children’s blood sugars have a wider range than adults usually 80-150. I wouldn’t worry unless it gets to 160 or higher. I had a friend check his and it was 152 and 5m later it was 109
whew I hope that is all it is. I imagine when he gets old enough for school it would really be difficult for him if he was diabetic. Thanks for your reply. I guess we all freak out when it comes to the health of our little ones.
Ask your doc about a glucose tolerance test,. That will tell if there is anything to worry about.
Now when a childs BS goes off the wall it really goes. 130, 150, 100 those numbers are good for a child who is diabetic. When a child gets Diabetes it will usually pop over 200 and will jsut go up from there.
Rick Phillips
Thank you. He is not diabetic I am but when I checked his sugar it was 137. I was worried about that. I will still ask his Dr. about the test though. He has never had one. Thank again.