This has nothing to do with diabetes. It’s about stress reduction. Hmm. I guess that does have to do with diabetes, at that, since it’s something we can all use more of, all the time.
Anyway, apropos of nothing whatever, this is just about stuff that makes me laugh. Here’s one:
A farmer has a talking dog. One day he says to the dog, “it’s getting dark–go bring the sheep into the pen for the night.” The dog replies, “consider it done,” and takes off. Shortly he returns and says, “okay, all 40 sheep present and accounted for.” The farmer says–slowly–“I only have 36 sheep.” The dog replies, “Yes, I know. I rounded up.”
And here’s another quickie:
There should be a twelve step program for people who talk too much. We could call it On Anon Anon.
Bumper stickers, anyone? Saw this one on the way to work yesterday:
“What if the hokey pokey really IS what it’s all about?”
Now that’s some existential angst right there! And another fave, this one custom-made by a neighbor of mine (I live in an artists’ community and people tend to find their own twist on standard expressions):
“Act kind of random and practice less beauty sense.”
Speaking of bumper stickers… You know those back window decals that represent the members in your family with stick figures? I saw one last week with a couple of stick figures and one partial stick figure and a T-rex head that said “I enjoyed eating your stick figure family.”
The owner of my company has some good qualities but he is also an out of control alcoholic whose dark side occasionally asserts itself. I once saw a bumper sticker in a shop that I still kick myself for not buying and surreptitiously putting on his car. It said:
I’m not an alcoholic. I’m a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.
From Sir Francis Chichester after sailing solo around the world, "To the question, “When were your spirits at the lowest ebb?” the obvious answer seemed to be, “When the gin gave out.”