Contact Detach - 6mm or 8mm

You will love the metal sets, David; no more bent canulas!

And to add to Zoe's praise, they seem to stick better (which I would think would be great in Louisiana). I was trying to imagine how best to describe how tiny they cannula is, I don't think it is much longer than the capital "I" on this forum. What say you Zoe?

Hard to compare, since I don't have one in front of me; maybe a bit larger than that. I've actually gone ahead and switched to the 8mm since this post; they're a bit more noticeable when you insert them, but they don't seem to pull out so easily.

Oh another thing I love about the metal sets is the other day mine started hurting during the night so in the morning I just pulled it out and put it another spot and taped it down (I discovered adhesive tape works just as well as the fancy stuff though is more "medical" looking). Reusable!

I will give them a try. I was surprised animas didn't let me try one before I re-ordered. They have sent me samples of others over the years. I guess just a change they made. Thats for the comments. I appreciate them.

Hi, David Lee. When I switched to 6 mm steel cannulas from ordinary teflon ones, I stopped using my stomach and started using the sides, i.e. the area under my arms from under my rib cage and down to the hip. I have less body fat there, but it seems to me that the steel cannulas works best when there´s not so much body fat. Good tip before you insert a cannula is to pull up a "handle" and pinch the area you want to use with the needle until you find a spot that doesn´t hurt. Usually that means you found a "sweet spot" and that you won´t hit a blood vessels or a nerve.

Good luck, hope you get to try some.

Well since my last post this is what has been going on. Animas thinks it is a site issue and my doctor thinks it may be a pump issue. They told me to use a site that I don't use to see how it worked because they were leaning towards scar tissue. I used my thigh. First day was great the second day I woke up high and it just kept going high after that (370) I got off of the pump after that and my levels have been really good. Animas is sending a new pump tomorrow to see if it is the pump. I really don't think it is the pump but who am I. A friend told me it could be a bad batch of insulin but my troubles started with the vial before this one and has only gotten worse with the new vial. So tomorrow I will get back on the pump and see what happens then.

I just went back and read my last few post and you guys are probably wondering what I am talking about lol. My levels had been running really high and I had some bent cannulas. That is why I was looking into a different infusion set. I will let Animas and the doctor try to figure it out before I try a different set.