Contour Next Link Meter

Has anyone upgraded their meters to the Contour Next from Medtronics yet? How do you like it?

Sorry, wrong reply. I don´t use the "Link" I use the the bulky, "original" one.

I have the Contour Next Link because it came with my pump. I like it because it not only transmits my bg to my pump it also serves as the link device when connecting to my computer for downloading to CareLink. I don't know how the previous meter worked with the Revel pump so I can't give a comparison.

I use the Contour Next Link Meter, and I also have the earlier One Touch UltraLink meter. I do prefer the new Contour Next Link though - it's very easy to upload data to CareLink since you can do it simply by plugging the meter into your one of your computer's (PC or Mac) USB ports. It also has a nice backlight that the Ultralink does not have. I've also done BG comparisons between the two, and the numbers did not differ greatly. Your Diabetes Mileage May Vary, of course :)

The strips are not part of my insurance formulary, but Bayer provides a discount card to help with that - so they cost me only $5/month than the One Touch strips.

Stemwinder, glad to hear you like your meter.

I'm currently using the One Touch UltraLink meter that came with my first pump. When I upgraded to the Revel in October, MM didn't send me a new meter. Not sure if they were out yet?

My insurance will cover the strips but, it's at a higher tier than the one touch strips. I'll end up paying an extra $30 if I decide to go with bayer. .

Can you please explain how the discount card works? I tried to read about it but, didn't have any luck finding out anything. Also wondering if I can use it in combination with my insurance?

Yep, I have been using the Contour next meter throughout the day. I still keep my old linked One Touch by my bedside (trying to use up any remaining bottles of One Touch Ultra test strips).

What I like about the Contour Next: it's small, the screen is in color, don't need a cable to upload data to Carelink, rechargeable battery.

I received the Contour Link with my new Revel shortly after Minimed announced the switch. I was given the UltraLink by another user (who had moved to a different pump) and used that while I still had many One Touch strips to use up.

Here is the link to the discount card and details, which is on Bayer's website:

I use it in combination with my insurance co-pay, so yes, you can do that.
Good luck!

Thank you,
Looks like the discount card if only valid till Jan 2013.

How did you get the Bayer card? The strips are tier 3 (expensive) under my insurance. The tester is great though - the strips take less blood than other strips and the auto send to pump is helpful

Kcfanning, click on the link that CracieSf posted.

The strips are tier 3 (expensive) under my insurance also. I use Mail RX home delivery so, I'm not sure if I can use the discount card with them. I may have to switch to my local retail pharmacy.

Countour Next Link unavailable in Canada at present time ...I always have liked the Contour Link with the result being sent to my pump ( 522 prior to Veo since Feb 2011 ) .And plan to go the Countour Next Link route , when available .Great to read about the back light, GracieSF

Glad to receive all the info about the Bayer Contour Link meter. I just got my new Revel kit with the new glucometer , as well. I understand that I do not have to take any one-on-one training as an experienced Medtronic Pumper, but what do I really need to know to make the change from a 522 to a Revel? I haven't made any changes yet, still on the 522.. Plan to work on reading the literature, taking the tutorial before I send this old pump in this week. Sorry to hi-jack this thread, Op Sporster.. How quick can I learn this info so I can make the transition.?I had to go out of town the day after I got the Revel, and did not wan to travek and be on a 10 christmas break vacation with a brand new pump. But I truly need to send in the old one, to get the rebate. What are the major differences? I really just want to just program in the data( basal rates, ISF, insulin sensitivities, ICR, etc,) and keep on rolling. Can I just do that? Or is there A LOT more to learn? I want to just wear it an learn it as I go..Will that be possible, Revel pumpers? I am assuming the learning curve is short.

God bless,

Hi Brunetta, Since you've been a MM Pumper you're already familier with the way it works. You should have no problem with the transition to the Revel. Yes, you can program your rates and "keep on rolling". Do you wear the CGM along with your pump? If so, that's where you'll see differences between the two. It has high and low predictive alarms. It has 3,6, 12 and 24 hour graphs. AUC calculations. It also has a feature that lets you capture events.

Hope this helps you,

Sportster your Revel sounds so similar to the Canadian Veo :)

Hi nel, I believe the Veo has a Low Glucose Suspend (LGS) feature that the Revel does not have. If I remember correctly, the FDA did not approve it for use in the United States because of the inaccurate CGM.

The Revel has predictive alerts but, it doesn't suspend when a low is reached.

So, how is the Veo working out for you?

It makes me so happy to hear this. My CGM trainer mentioned this meter when i went on this summer... but I've heard nothing else. Should I call her and ask?

Sagwabetes, Never hurts to ask! Give her a call in my opinion.

Indeed the Veo does have the low glucose suspend ..I have mine set at 3.3 ( x 18 ) ..however this morning around 10 ish I neglected how my body was feeling , finally poked finger and was lower than the setting ...that " approx 20 min " difference between interstitial fluid and blood measurement did me in own neglect and will not blame the tools :)...
Had I mentioned, that I signed up ???

@nel,hope you're feeling better!

Glad to hear you signed up! I'm not sure I'll be able to join in because I have plans that day. It'll be last minute if I do join in.