Corn Chips and Carbs

I was packing my lunch for work yesterday and I was caculating the number of carbs and the number of chips allowed. By the package I figured 12 .When I opened the bag ,I could’nt figure out what was a chip ; there was parts ,fragments and what haveyou but not one whole chip in the bag .So there went my calculations. Anyone have a solution?

Dear Joe.

Weight the stuff. I bought a balance when I got diabetes 11 years ago still works great at one of our combo pharmacies and general store. You can get grams directly and it tares easily so you get the net weight of the substance. I don’t like subjective measurements. Like one apple. Well from a mackintosh to a super hormoned one there is a 3 to 5 times weight difference. Same variation in oranges.

The packages here in Canada usually define what a chip should weight should be the same in the USA.

I guess or I take out the 12 chip equivalent… it may be a pita (pain in the tush) but… the extra min is worth it…

Look at the nutrition facts on the package for carbs. Remember to look at the serving size.

LOL! I’ve been trying to figure out what a capital “pita” was all week. My husband is laughing at me right now.

I thought he was telling me to switch to flat bread. If thats the case ,I better caculate in the carbs. for hummus.

Joe, watch this video of Manny using the “eat smart” food scale. I have one and it’s great.