Carb counting hints

I thought maybe a carb counting shortcut list would be helpful for all. I know I could use it especially when eating out and my trusty food scale and measuring cup are at home. I do have a little book I carry with me in my purse for meals eaten out and the carbs, protein, and fat if it worked out well.

Let’s begin:

  1. Unknown casseroles, 1/2 cup estimated at 15 carbs. Much meat involved add 5 for protein and fat.

We use a couple of apps, some come with integrated restaurant menus or food product brands.

This is our favorite one CarbsControl

Thank you for replying. I use my fitness pal and calorie king. I was wanting some swagging hints as I’m not very good at that.


I’m pretty good at making a SWAG, but it’s less than 1 time per month when I don’t log every iota into my Fat Secret app for carb counting. The integrated food database is amazing. Since I use a lot of insulin (6’4" 230#), being off even a little bit is dangerous for me. Everyone is different regarding how much fat and protein affect their postprandial glycemia. I cannot tell any difference whatsoever, while I have friends who have pretty complex bolus deliveries based on their fat intake.

Yes, I log everything at home, but when I go out another story.

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Personally, if theres no carb count, I look and guess lol It usually works out.

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I’d be lost without my “Lose It” app on my Droid. The database includes a bar code search and also has quite a few popular restaurant entrees.

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I guess I was looking for some “guessing hints”, not really apps. I didn’t phrase my intro very well. For example the 1/2 cup as 15 carbs more or less. 1 ounce of protein is 6-7 grams for TAG. Things like that are in the books. I was wanting hints from people “walking the road”. Thank you.

I just try to remember my Carb Count Averages 101 and guesstimate from there. A piece of bread averages 15, so a dinner roll out somewhere is 20-30 depending on size. The flour tortilla I use at home is 30, so based on the size comparison of the one in front of me, how much do I count it for? 6 saltine crackers is 15. That kind of thing. I sometimes guess wrong but it is what it is. What really messes me up is breaded chicken, and barbecue sauce.

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Regularly weighing my food is the single most important thing I do for my carb counting. The second is making a lot of my own food so I know exactly how many carbs are in it.

The difficult thing is, just like our diabetes, we all eat differently. Foods that are fine for me wouldn’t work for someone doing low carb or vegan.

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Thank you for your reply. It sounds like you do have a great handle on things.

Thank you for answering. I do the same thing at home. The more I do that, I guess I will get better. I also keep very careful log information. Its the eating out or at someone’s house that gets me in trouble.

Can I ask why that’s an issue? I just spent a long weekend with some of my wife’s family and I entered everything I ate into my Fat Secret app. Did the same last night when we dined with friends at a restaurant. I can’t count the number of non-diabetics who started using Fat Secret when I showed them what I was doing and why.

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I guess the solution is an app besides calorie king. It works for alot of you, That is why I posted the question. I want to make life easier and not harder. Logging takes a bunch of time but has proved worthwhile. Thank you for the Fat Secret idea.

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I won’t claim it is the be all end all for you. Give it a try. There is an issue with them not showing Carbs straight out of the shoot. It’s a bit of a work around to get it to show. If you try it and can’t figure it out, I’ll be happy to help. I’ve been using it for 10 years or so, even back on a Palm. Very comprehensive database and lightning fast.

And I am not taking away from your original question, it’s a good one. Just was curious if there was an issue with using an app when out and about.

Oh, and if of interest, it integrates with FitBit through a free third party website. So you can track activity calorie burn against calorie intake.

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Thank you for all your help. I will be getting the app and giving it a try. That’s what I love about this site is all the people here walking the road and willing to share what they know. Thank you again.

I’ve been thinking about this post a lot and have had trouble coming up with good suggestions like your casserole one. Some things come to mind - breaded chicken strips - about 8 carbs ea, cupcakes or similar sized cake items - 30 carbs. Those don’t seem very useful though. I think we do so much guessing when out, and I’m never quite sure when we got it right to know if we’ve mastered our guesses to the point that we can counsel others!

My son just went on a trip to Europe without anyone trained in his care. He did all his carb counting on his own - well, with me via text if needed and by posting pictures to his instagram account to get input as well. He didn’t reach out too often bc he brought a scale with him. That probably sounds crazy, but it’s a compact scale and really came in handy. He has a good sense of carb factors for certain foods - pasta, bread, cakes - and others can be looked up pretty easily. It’s not the ideal situation bc even though compact, it’s not THAT small. But it really did help him.

I like all these leads for apps. I’ve used several in the past and never stuck with any one in particular. I’m looking forward to trying these new ones!

You and your son amaze me. Going on a trip like that without D is awesome, but to go as a D without anyone trained to help shows self-reliance of which many of us can’t claim. (me) Thank you for your hints as I have not tried cake yet and the birthdays for the grands begin next week. I’ve usually just had my decaf coffee and joined in the fun. This is also my 4th diaversary and I haven’t been very brave in the past. Maybe I’ll try some cake to celebrate life of the grands and me. Thank you.

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@yeagen - If you have a chance, take a look at Linda’s comment to Caleb’s cake picture here. She is a master swagger, and seems to have a great approach for sweets!

That cake looks wonderful! I am thankful for the hints.

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