My minimed should arrive tomorrow, but I won’t be trained until Friday, the 31st. Give me a few days to read manuals and such. I’ve been thru Medtronic’s pump school, but will probably do it again once I have pump in hand
I see that I’m going to have to be much more consistent on my testing. I test at least 4 times a day now, but I’m not always consistent on the times I do it.
I wonder if I’ll go home with insulin or saline pumping? Kinda hope insulin, kids are over this weekend and they can keep an eye on me, They can tell when my sugar is low, usually before I can… otherwise, it’ll just be me and the cats.
My insurance is Coventry of Kansas, once they had everything in hand (including a 30-day sugar log), I had approval the next day. Kinda surprised it was so quick, but glad. They ended up covering about 2/3’s of the cost, due to limits on our particular DME plan.
Thanks for stopping by and a have a good week
** Edit: Yes, this will be my first pump. Been on shots since 1970