Dear Doctor

On Thursday last i visited my own GP general practioner for th rsults of my last blood test, after waiting over 45 after my apointment was due I sat down and the doctor asked me how everything was, first mistake because in some ways I a slight hypercondriac sorry about hte spelling one thing all the drugs I take do not do is improve your spelling, one thing I have noticed when typing is speling some words incorrectly not spelling mistakes take the for instance lots of times I accidently type it hte could just be I am getting far too engrossed with my blog to notice the mistakes.

The doctor said once again my blood sugars were down this time to 7.1 from 8.4 5 months ago or is it 6 anyway some progress htere see done it again, he was concerned at my low blood pressure and suggested i reduce the dosage of ramipril from 2 tablets a day to one or reducing it by 50%, this I have done and yes I do not feel so light headed, he was also concerned that my kidneys were showing slight changes and this needed to be monitored more closely guess what more blood tests in 3 weeks.

My foot which is stil a bit swollen and painful when I walk on it could be arthritus as in my shoulders or get ready for this GOUT not goat as i put on my other blog tales of a black country lad on blogger, silly mistake but I could not tell one goat from the other, so more tests to rule out gout, have to cut out the port pheasant and all those rich foods.

The past month with all the giddyness light headedness has not been fun and not being able to get downstairs even hobblying or sitting on my bum has been difficult I am hopeful the kidneys are not going ot be a problem and with physio my shoulders will be a bit better all will be better than it has been so far this year.

The worst problem with having diabetes heart failure and all the other ailments is not having htem but passing the care worry onto your loved ones, they have a life to lead without looking ovetheir shoulder every day to see if you are ok.

The wife has gone shopping with our daughter the cat smudge has had here breakfast salmon this morning cleaned herself and is now making her bed nice and comfy for the day, when I come back dear Lord if you get stuck with what to do with me I do not mind being reborn as a cat.

Best regards Ramundow

PS the doctor looked at my questionnaire on feeling low depressed said he does not think I am depressed and left it at that, that made me feel depressed worrying over the questionnaire only to be told you are ok.

Ahhhhhh Grandchildern!! Their my spice in life! I’ve got 3 now from My Type 1 daughter and I am A type 1 myself. One 3 1/2 the other 2 and the youngest, my first grandson 5 months old! Can’t help but love 'em can you. Yes they have soooooo much more energy than I do! LOL! Everything else I agree whth what lots said. Yes Lots I kinda like that LOL!