Ok I know we should talk about diabetes how we feel what treatment we are getting the results of our blood sugar testing well I do all that and probably bore the pants off most of you, the trouble is you can soon get too focused on the negetive side of being diabetec or is it diabetic, take this morning blood reading 5.7 so I am over the moon it is the first time in over 2 weeks my morning reading has been below 7 so I celebrated with a cup of coffee, my first mistake of the day.
Most mornings I get up test my blood and get so down in the dumps because I have not got a reading 7 or below a bit like the targets set for our national health service you get so engrossed in the target it takes over your life, sorry about the spelling come on tudiabetes get a spell checker on the site, take yesterday got up blood sugar was 7.4 so I thought you are on the right track watch what you eat today and you, but by 8pm last night the reading was up to 12.4 I had forgotten to take my insulin with my tea so took it then by 22.10 it had dropped to 4.6 from one extreme to the other it is the fluctuating that is causing me most problems my body does not what is happening from one hour to the next.
Half a glass of orange juice to get my blood sugars up before bed so avoiding hte dreaded hypo not recommended to anyone, the diabectec doctor suggested I take orange juice instead of yogurts and no way biscuts or bisquicks as the panda says in hte advert for a well known brand, just taken my 0.6mg of victoza take 50 units of insulin with my breakfast soon, so ready for the day, the giddyness had gone but I keep forgetting to get up from a sitting position slowly otherwise I go faint.
Wht nasher and the gang well this refers to the band of brothers sisters babys and family members of the slug family who are chomping away on our rgreen ruuner bean plants this morning I counted 12 in all the wife removed them in caring manner before leaving for work during hte night they had devoured 6 plants not even a bit of stork was left there goes my summer tea.
Why the band of brothers the crow family sitting on the neigbours tv ariel and roof had not made a meal of them is beyond me, easier picking somewhere else I suppose, even though the wife has removed the slugs the word is probaly out fresh plants in the garden over there, another dawn patrol tomorrow to cath the pesky lighters.