Dexcom vibrate alarm not working

I've had my Dex since March, and have my alerts set to Vibe then Beep. Recently I noticed that when in my pocket, the first I noticed the alert, was hearing the beep, and not noticing any vibrate. When I had it on the table, I would see the screen light up, but no vibrate. Then on other occasions it did vibrate. Thought it was my imagination.

In the last few days, it hasn't vibrated at all, so today I called Tech support. They are sending me a replacement. It won't even vibrate when I go into the settings and pick Vibrate or Vibe then Beep !

Anyone else have similar issues ?

We had the opposite happen - it would vibrate but stopped beeping all together. It actually happened twice. They were very helpful when I called and we got a replacement pretty quickly both times. The third one went swimming in a pool - and now we have our fourth . . . so far so good!

Thanks, I got my replacement in less than 24 hours. After charging, I started it up, and it was fun watching both receivers ! For the most part, they stayed pretty close. Tomorrow I'll ship the old one back

I just had the same thing happen to my receiver. It may or may not be correlated, but it reset (must have shocked it in the dryness of winter) a couple of times recently and I have been running a bit low, so the motor was getting quite a workout. I have my fingers crossed they will send me a new one and quickly, too! Glad to hear I wasn't the only one.