Hello everyone I am new to this group so just wanted to hop on and introduce myself I am a mom of 3 young boys ages 7,4 and 3 my youngest being a T1 diagnosed with ketoacidosis at the very young age of 18 months. I saw a post on here that a lady purchased the dexcom kit with the receiver, transmitter and a box of 5 sensors for $839.00 whuch is what I paid a year ago her post was dated April 17th I was just wondering if that is this year or not if they have the deal on again I would love to get in on it has anyone else seen this post or know who the lady is I would love to know if this deal is still on. Thanks
I think you found this post.
It was posted in 2017 and is in Canada. Are you in US?
Do you have insurance that will cover dexcom?