Diabetes Awareness Month ( DAM ) radio interview , December 2, 2010 in Canada


My CGMS showed an up trend …was I nervous ???..YES . Patrick put me at ease with his comment about wearing leather pants :slight_smile: . Unrehearsed and from the heart .Looking in hindsight , one would have wanted to say much more , however remember time restrictions .
PS I had no idea , how to get the link posted in this blog . As you can see , Patrick made it easy for me , when he sent me his blog posting .Another Thank You will go out to him .

WHOA!!! Leather pants Nel?? LOL! :smiley:

Terrific interview Nel. Good for you. You are Well-spoken. Important info to get out there on the radio. You are also both so right in mentioning Gordon as an important part of your support who helps you in many ways.

Hate to tell Terrie …these leathers are about 12 years old …don’t change wardrobes often …thanks for your comment , dear Tu friend !!

One of my friends ( not living with diabetes) , who I sent the link too responded, that she will sent to her friends …creating more awareness about diabetes and have one’s self tested !!

I met someone last Sat. eve , who heard the interview …he said several times , what he liked the best : " great to mention ; see your doctor and have your self tested " .