Diabetes camp was a HUGE success!

I just had to share that my 13 year old son who was diagnosed with Diabetes last October went to Camp Carolina Trails (ADA sponsored camp) and had a GREAT time! We were very nervous as he has never done a sleep over camp before and hasn’t done a day camp in years. There was no contact the whole week. He had a great experience. They kept the kids really busy and he met many new friends. It was great for him to be with other kids pricking their fingers. He got to see and learn about other peoples pumps. It was NOT an education camp in that the did not have break outs about diabetes. Instead they had teachable moments, where they talked about things as they went. 95% of the conselors were diabetics and had been to the camp as a kid. They did hiking, canoeing, swimming, they had a lake slide, went on a hike and had a dance on the last day. I’m so glad we ‘made’ him go and so is he. He is looking forward to going again next year. I highly recommend sending your kids to diabetes camp!~

Absolutely! My 12 y/o is at his 3rd year at Camp Freedom (formerly the Donovan Mc,abb camp) and just loves it! They do learn some good lessons about diabetes, but that’s masked by how much fun they have all week!
Bless the ADA for running the camp and helping sponsor my son this year, as I am unemployed this year. Bless the folks at IronAndyFoundation.com as well for their help!

Thanks for posting this. I have always wondered what the camps were like.

Sounds great! I wish we could work camp in this summer, but it doesn’t look like we can. I have it on my list though. Or maybe a conference through Children With Diabetes.

sounds great , good to hear it went well . We are "making " my 13 year old daughter go to Diabetes Camp this year also.
Hope her experience is just as good as your son’s

I think that is a great idea. I know everyone probably doesn’t have the same experience, but I believe that camp was life changing for my son. He did not want to go at all, but since we had started taking about it right after he got diagnosed I think he realized it wasn’t a choice. When we picked him up he said ‘I had a great time’. He is still in touch with several kids from the camp and I can tell he feels less different having personal relationships with other people with Diabetes. In fact, he found out one of the kids was going to another diabetes camp inJuly and wanted to sign up for that too. Of course these camps fill up in the spring when registration starts, but I thought that was a great sign.

I just dropped my 12 year old son off at Camp this morning. This is his second year and he loves it. I think it’s been invaluable what he’s learned and the friends he’s made. Our camp in TX is for three weeks and it is educational and major FUN!

My hope is he can attend every summer until he’s 18!

My son had so much fun at his camp in June that we signed him up for another camp in July. The difference though, is the second camp is in tents! He is going with a friend he met at the first camp, so I’m sure it will be an adventure. We’ll see