Diabetes camp

Sorry about the last one I am not the most computer savy and i hit the wrong button and since I am so wonderful with computers I have no clue how to delete it.

Well my 8yo t1 daughter went to diabetes camp at Camp Najeda at the beginning of this month and she had a blast!!!! I cried half way home and of course I called every night to check on her numbers with the nurses who were wonderful. I didn't know if I was going to make it. I went out on the Friday before we picked her up and got a tatoo!! I got the diabetes Ribbon as a butterfly and her name right above it. She loved it when she saw it! She came home with wonderful stories and of course we had to register her for next year before we even left! She even got a certificate for being a best friend and helping other campers when they were homesick.

So proud of her but scared too. I remember the day she was diagnosed and these little four yo eyes looking at me and asking with her lips quivering if she had to stay at the hospital and I told her yes but I am NOT going to leave you and she took a deep breath and said ok but you wont leave right? This was a big step for both of us. I actually had some quality time with my husband!! HA!HA!

That’s great to hear that she loved camp my 16 yrs old daughter has been going since she was 12 and she loves it this year she got to be a junior councilor and she liked it even better

hi holly glad it was a good time for all, I agree with hockeymom, your daughter is a lot younger than Jacob but I suspect diag for just as long... baby steps towards sending them off on their own.. something we all fear but it is a reality we must work towards.. I recently was talking to a close friend that has a friend I do not know who has a son with type 1 who is 13 she said oh he can only go over so an so's house because his mom knows diabetes... imagine the fear she is instilling in that child suggesting he is not competent to care for himself and he is so "unhealthy" he must be left in only capable hands.. I get this fear and would not allow my son sleep overs the first year of diag. but fear is not the way to motivate compliance, trust,knowledge and letting go again with baby steps at first! good job! amy

Thanks. It was hard but I know that it helped her (and me) a little realize that she can deal with this without me and she will be OK. I was so glad she went but it kills me to realize how much she has grown up since she was diagnosed 4 years ago.

Hi Holly... My son went to Camp Nejeda too. He went 4th of July week.. and not to mention ! I have been wanting a tattoo my whole life.. Told my daughter about 3 weeks ago that I finally found what I wanted. and it was the diabetes ribbon. How funny...I love that camp. It was the 3rd summer for him. I'm hoping my daughter can be a counselor there one day. My son is now 12 and he was diagnosed at 9 in 2009. It has been so emotional for me but he is my inspiration.. Will you be at the camp walk in Sept ? Hope we can chat through our busy schedules. Thank you Maree

We are going to try to get to the walk in September. It is hard as my husband just started on dialysis in January so our schedules are kind of crazy.