kept wanting a little card to hand people who get all up in my diabetes. especially this time of year with potlucks and holiday treats at work.
but the internet didn’t provide, so i made one. help yourself, it’s a word document, should print double sided and then just cut along the lines. i made it in a word 2003 business card template but i can’t print it until tomorrow.
a little of my own words, a few things from some friends, and a couple of word choices from the behavioral diabetes institute.
edit, update
mentioned to a friend who is diabetic and she also has lupus and asked me to do one for that. i also have MS and was planning one for that anyway. so now there may be a whole set eventually, the link is here. the invisible illness one is a rough draft so, on THIS at least i welcome your input.
Love it! Great work!
I appreciate your enthsiasm.
Here is a link to antoher diabetes etiquette card: Diabetes etiquette card:
Oh Snap! I love the card! There should be one to print up for healthcare professionals as well, with the following: “No, an 8.7 IS HIGH, I KEEP TIGHT CONTROL.”
thanks David B. but that one didn’t suit my needs. I tried it, but in my experience if you hand someone something that folds up they put it away and forget about it. my goal with this was a quick read, barely any effort required.
Good job. It is amazing how the questions and comments are the same for all of us.
Have to say, I absolutely hate it when people try to peer at my glucometer when I’m testing.