Organization and diabetes

Sure this isn't new to most people, but it does take some organization to be a compliant diabetic and / or have other medical problems, I am a type 2, last 15 years, controlled by Janumet, diet and exercise. So anyway as part of my New Years, "Get it together" plan, I have made myself a notebook to take to doc's appts with me, no matter who the doc is he/she has a space in the book. It's actually a three ring 5 1/2 by 8 inch notebook,...nothing fancy. I did find a book called "My Diabetes Oranizer by Gina Barbetta who is a CDE and other alphabet soup and her partner Valerie Rossi. It's not a new book, but I just found it on Amazon. It's been a real enlightener for me as faar as reminding me what to do when I am sick, which docs I might want on my team, medication charts, and pages to add to your information about yourself, My own book has a place for menu plans, medications (which I get a new list every time I go to the doc complete with topics we discussed and recommendations, I am also including my progress to loose the last 30 lbs out of 150, affirmations, etc. I am a notebook person, and feel more incontrol of everything if I have things written down so I don't forget, If you have an organizer like this let me know, I'd love to hear what you have in yours and how you use it, If you don't have one and would like to know more about mine, PM me or write me here and we can share info

I love your idea to use a 3-ring binder to help keep track of everything. I've worked with several people who've done this, and it's helpful for them to stay on top of any changes in medications plus it makes it easier to spot trends and note places where you might want to make additional changes. Great idea!

I have a binder and keep track of things to motivate me. I save my labs,what the doctor tells me to do, and my food diary. It is an important to me. Nancy

Amazingly, many people don't keep track of their instructions, things that motivate them, labs, dr,'s instructions, menus, ideas, etc. Maybe it's that part of me that made me wonder if I should be keeping better track of things.....and then a bout of "I don't give a darn" this fall, and I forgot or didn't pay attention to much of what I was told this summer. So I started a note book for my visits with the CDE/health coach, and was amazed at how much better I did on watching my meds, food intake, and dr.'s suggestions. Thanks for the ideas

Hi Kate,

Thanks for posting this topic! Congratulations on your efforts to get more organized! It sure sounds like you are doing an admirable job!

I like spreadsheets, so I've made up some in Excel that I print out and fill out. But I'm not so organized as to have a notebook. That sounds like a really great way to keep all the information findable!

Thanks again for posting this! It helps me want to get more organized, too!

Best wishes,
