A few weeks ago, in a previous blog post, we mentioned the Diabetes Hands Foundation (DHF), the nonprofit that runs TuDiabetes.com and EsTuDiabetes.com, had applied for a fiscal sponsorship (you can read more about what a Fiscal Sponsor is here).
We are very happy to inform all members of TuDiabetes.com that DHF recently received approval from Community Initiatives to become our Fiscal Sponsor.
What does this mean to you?
This will allow any donations you make to us through our fiscal sponsor to be treated as a charitable tax deduction.
As a result, we will soon be changing the yellow Donate button on the right side of the page (which currently goes to PayPal), to a new button that will link to the Support the Diabetes Hands Foundation page on the Community Initiatives web site.
We wanted to inform you officially about this, since we are in the planning stages of a fundraising campaign, to start in late August.