Diabetes Ups Risk of Liver Cancer 2-3 Times

A new correlation between diabetes and liver cancer (one of the forms of the disease with the lowest rates of survival) has been discovered this week.

Researchers found 2061 patients with liver cancer on records spanning the five years between 1994 and 1999… Among them, the proportion of patients with diabetes was almost twice as high among those with liver cancer.

My dad was diabetic and he died of liver cancer, so I was not surprised by this news. He was not a heavy drinker by any means, and I had heard of this correlation between the two diseases before.

This gives us diabetics one more reason to take care of ourselves, and those who don’t have the condition another reason to work on staying healthy.

I wonder if it is type one or two.
Type ones have a faulty immune system that lacks the ability to tell the difference between self and non self.
I had cancer at 26. I have type one and I have severe allergies to shellfish and iodine
It should not be surprising at all