I read about Diasend Diasend linkon this forum. Thank you!! I was able to download my data and see both my omnipod and dexcom information. Yea!! I can see that if I also add exercise to my dexcom, that may help me understand 'swings'.
I can see the benefit of this to use at my doctor's appointments. My endo doesn't even have any software to download my data.
Anyone have hints as to how to interpret this information? What 'screen' do you use? What time-frame do you capture? Do you look at this immediately after a low or high 'event' or do you look for big trends?
I use The trends to see exactly where I went high or low, I then look at my logbook and see if it was after I ate and if I could of miss calculated my carbs. I also look at the over all and see what that is telling me, when I go to my Endo I print off a 2 week of the trends and logbook and the last page. sometimes I just bring my ipad and let her view what she wants. if you go somewhere that uses diasend they can give you a code and they can download the info themselves. I usually give nurses etc… my password and they can view it without bugging me. LOL hope that helps. it is best to ask your Endo what she/he wants to see.