Hey everyone. I’m getting ready to get a new pump and my doctor has set up an appointment for me to view different pumps. I have been on a pump for 17 years but I’ve only ever had minimed pumps. Can any of you tell me about the different pumps your currently using or the experience you’ve had with different pumps? Thanks.
This is a good comparison from @Melissa_Lee
and here’s another one from Gary Scheiner
Haven’t checked out Melissa_Lee’s comparison, but Gary Scheiner’s is awesome and was instrumental in helping my daughter and I choose the pump that works so very well for her: OmniPod.
I just switched from Minimed to Tslim this week and so far I am LOVING it. I think the big thing is in deciding if you want a tubed pump on not. I have been really curious about Tslim since it came out, but my endo wanted me to wait a while since it was a new company. There customer service has been great so far, and the pump trainers excellent. The transition went very smoothly. The steps are a little more involved with Tslim as far as filling the cartridge goes, but I think eventually it will be just second nature. Kind of like when first learning how to fill the reservoir on your Minimed, it felt time consuming, but after a while all new skills become much smoother. I love the touch screen, and do think its less cumbersome navigating through pump options.
Had Minimed in past but like my current Tslim more. But get the Dexcom CGM with the Tslim 4 – the CGM is more important in my opinion than the pump but try and get both if possible.
Almost all pumps (except omnipod) work about the same. They each have features that some like more or less than others. I adore my minimed and have for 17 years. I think next time (provided it syncs with Dexcom by them) I will opt for the Roche pump. If not I will have decided between Animas or Tslim based on sensor performance. I have great hopes that minimed will improve sensor performance by the time as well so thier pump will be a viable option.
This is why #diabetesaccessmatters
Does Roche have Dexcom integration in their plans? I currently use a Ping that’s more than a year out of warranty, but my insurance only covers one pump per lifetime, so I’m saving it until my Ping truly dies. I was looking at the Insight pump from Roche online and saw that it has a magnification feature, which is a HUGE deal to me because I can’t see any of the current pumps and because it actually acknowledges to some degree that people with visual impairments want and need access to modern diabetes technology. If that pump were also to integrate with Dexcom (or if their next pump had the same magnification feature), I’d be sold. (Except the one huge downside is I’ve heard Roche pumps are hardwired to die at four years, which may be a deal-breaker with my one pump coverage thing, at least until I change jobs…)
I agree that all pumps are basically the same, and whichever one someone chooses depends mostly on personal preferences.
To me it´s important that the pump is waterproof. To my knowledge only Animas Vibe and OmniPod are waterproof pumps, but this may have changed, so do your own research.
I´ve always liked Medtronic pumps because they are intuitive and I like their software “bolus wizard” which I used alle the time. Animas VIbe is my current pump and the menus and the software for making bolus choices is totally different, but it was not a dealbreaker for me. I went with Animas Vibe because it´s waterproof and beacuse it is integrated with Dexcom G4.
So far I´ve had few complaints. The screen is difficult to see when in sunlight, and that´s when I use it the most beacuse I need to se my Dexcom numbers when beeing active. That said, it´s nothing I don´t just work around, it just could have been easier.
Good luck with finding your pump
Jen, Roche has not released information as yet about a dexcom integration. But it seems inevitable if they wish to stay in the business, which I know they do.
Steph, I have never understood this issue of being waterproof. I know many people say they want Animas because it is water proof. Yet truthfully, I have used medtroic for over 12 years and needed, to get it wet in a way that would void the warranty. I just don’t wear it if for instance i am swimming. I admit I am not a serious swimmer, but I have never seen the real advantage.
I do like the Medtroic pump a lot. Mostly because the company is financially stable and the customer service is second to none. The issue in the case of Medtronic for me is two fold. First is this deal with united health, I disapprove on principle second the sensor is not as user friendly as the dexcom and having worn both the dex is just that much better. I would certainly use Medtroic again,if both issues were resolved in an appropriate way.
One thing not often considered is the financial viability of the company. WIth one company exiting the market this year and Medtroic United health care deal, I fear the long term viability of smaller companies who simply may not survive the coming thinning. That makes me hesitant about the T-Slim the smallest of the 4 pump companies in the US.
Just my opinion, like diabetes others will differ i am sure.
I’ve tried disconnecting my pump and swimming, but I find I can’t do it for more than 30 minutes without going high and getting ketones and feeling awful. Most of my swims last 45-60 minutes or even 90 minutes, so it’s a definite advantage to keep the pump connected.
Both of my pumps so far have been waterproof, and likely my next pump will be as well.
Now if only Dexcom could transmit through water so I could easily check my blood sugar…
I do water aerobics 3x a week for 1 hour. I may then socialize in the hot tub afterwards, and after that, go shower. That may be up to an hour and a half, to two hours total that I’d need to be detached from a normal pump. As A T2, neither the Animas Vibe nor the OmniPod have reservoirs large enough to handle my severe insulin resistance, though, so because of that I have opted NOT to go on a pump as the Accu-Chek and T:Flex, which do have the larger reservoirs, are not waterproof.
I did try an Omnipod using U-500 insulin to overcome the reservoir issue, and it just wasn’t worth the headache.
You may want to review my comments RE the true waterproof-ness of Animus pumps which I posted on another thread but which I am too lazy to link.
I did see it, and it did give me pause. Upon further consideration though, Animas Vibe is seemingly VERY proud of this whole waterproof thing. If they say they are waterproof, and are willing to warranty it knowing what use it’s going to get going into things up front, and it was in writing that it would be replaced if it proved to NOT be waterproof during regular water use despite their advertisements… I’d be willing to give it a try.
I agree, if Animus guarantees to replace the pump if it becomes damaged during “regular water use”, the worst you would risk would be to go without a pump while the replacement is in the mail. However, I’d be sure to ask them specifically what they consider “regular water use” and exactly how they “prove” damage occurred due to a reason other than water…
I’ve had a Ping replaced for water getting into it. I was told that if I’m swimming a lot, the cartridge and battery caps need to be replaced every three months, which wasn’t something I was ever told before starting the pump. Since my pump is now out of warranty and I’d be getting no replacement if it were damaged, I’ve been resorting to removing it when I swim, though I find it inconvenient. I’d be interested in your experiences, @rgcainmd.
My daughter has used an OmniPod pump only, so I can’t speak from personal experience. All I know is that the diabetes camp she attends, as of last summer, does not allow the kids to wear Animus pumps in the pool; the reason given was “they aren’t truly waterproof, only Pods are.”
Jen - I’ve used an Animas Ping for almost eight years now. One thing I’ve learned is that it’s sensitive to over-torquing the battery cap. I cracked an insulin pump body one time over-tightening the battery cap. The only way for me to get it right is to closely watch the cap from the side as I tighten with my nickel and watch for the yellow o-ring to just disappear.
There’s only about a quarter turn of tolerance in getting that right. I realize that getting that cap on right, not too tight or loose, depends on good visual acuity.
How on earth can you do that? Is your eyesight good enough with a magnifying lens to see something that small? Or do you do it by feel? You must have a good technique or your swimming and insulin pump careers would not have coexisted for this long.
I think you have very valid reason to have a waterproof pump, for me
I completely understand why you would need a waterproof pump. I seldom swim longer than 30 minutes so a waterpoof pump makes little sense.
I tighten the cap by feel. I did crack a pump once, too, but felt it crack and called Animas right away. I also fairly recently had a battery cap go all wonky and not screw in properly and had to replace it with a new cap. But, in general, I’ve gone swimming with the pump many times without problems (though I don’t do it now without warranty, too scared it’s lost its waterproofness after the wonky battery cap). I think that I’ve probably gotten a sense of exactly how much to turn the battery cap to get it tight enough and don’t go beyond that point—to me it’s a very tactile task and is easy to feel the resistance as the battery is screwed in more and more. I may be able to see it with a really strong magnifier (I have crazy-strong +44 diopter reading glasses that I might try). It would be interesting to see at what point I’m stopping…