Do you do yoga and wear a CGM? Introduce yourself!

Hi, I have been a type 1 for 18 years. A hot yogi for 5. And I have worn a Medtronic minimed pump for 14 years. I’m looking into getting a dexcom G4 cgm currently. I wore it in yoga class yesterday because I am participating in a medical study that uses them, and the sensor completely stopped working after 15 minutes and did not start working again until I rebooted it after class (so 2 hours after that). I get very sweaty (it’s105 degrees in there), but wasn’t sure if it was the sensor or the receiver that was having issues with the heat. I also found it very cumbersome to stretch fully–I had the sensor on my abdomen–and was worried about pulling the sensor out and/or sweating off the adhesive.

Hi all. New t1–LADA–
Love yoga and practice a few times a week. No issue on lows in yoga practice-- and seems to be very beneficial in general. Getting a CGM to help monitor all ( no pump–trujeo and novalog ) I’ve read a few responses here and appreciate trying to figure out

  • best place to teach Cgm as to not interfere with typical flow yoga …
    And also what is best way to navigate adjustments with instructor. I travel a lot – always in a studio somewhere – is it best to advise them first to be careful if they give me an adjustment ?

I now wear my CGM on my arm–not all the way to the back, got bad data with that placement–and don’t have problems in yoga. I do let a new teacher know about the alerts (so loud!) and that I may have to sit quietly and make a necessary correction. I am careful not to have much bolus insulin on board else I eat a small snack first. Hope that helps!

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Hey there, I am very new to this community. I have had T1 for about 5 years now, I’m 38. I have had a Dexcom for about 2 years.As far a sensor placement, the best place for me that works amazingly with spot on readings is right under my arm pit where your bra strap would lay in between the top and bottom of the band. That way it stays out of the way, I never bang it on anything and there’s enough “back fat” to get a good reading. I’m not sure how to upload a photo or I would. And I have the receiver synced with my phone that I lay at the side or top of the mat.


I am a yoga instructor teaching 15 classes a week. I don’t wear a CGM I usually feel confident I know what my blood sugars are and never have issues. But I have two students with type 1 and wear them. Only once it started alarming. If you will be distracted not knowing what your blood sugar while practice. I say wear it… I also test when I need to when the class is in child pose.
I also do pole and two people there use them and leave it on.

I don’t CGM (hopefully next upgrade) but I do have a Medtronic pump and love yoga. I actually wear my pump between my legs in a thigh strap during practice. Keeps it protected no matter the position and I don’t have to slide it around my waist band. I suppose if I ever reach a point where I can bring my foot all the way up to my thigh for Tree that could be an issue, but considering I currently place that foot all the way down to the floor it’s going to be a while until I cross that bridge :wink:

I’m not an instructor, but I actually designed myself a modified Sun Salutation with no inversions–I have a history of diabetic eye damage as well as glaucoma so my eye doc doesn’t even want me going Legs Up The Wall. When everyone else in class is having upside down time I usually go into Reclined Cobbler.

Hi everyone! 26 year old Type-1 diabetic yoga teacher here. My ten year diabetes-birthday is in January!
I have just been approved for an insulin pump and my choices include the Tandem tslimx2 and the Insulet Omnipod. I currently use a Dexcom G6 so am drawn to the tandem so that they can link and use the Basal-IQ technology, but originally thought an Omnipod would be best as there is no tubing…
I teach yoga usually 4/5 days a week in a hot studio (not Bikram, but in a very steamy, sweaty 35 degree C inflated pod) and was wondering if there are any yogis out there that have any advice? How annoying is moving the tandem about compared to the bulkiness of the Omnipod (i’ve also hear that the Tandem is a bit more reliable than omnipod and slightly less invasive for the sites?)

Side note - has anyone tried the dexcom on their arm? where have you found is best that doesn’t feel weird with triceps popping’ in chaturanga? My freestyle libre used to come off all the time even if i wore a band around it!

Anyway, I would really appreciate any tips! I have my meeting on Saturday to decide which pump to choose and that decision is for 4 years :slight_smile: thanks in advance!