I try to never use my diabetes as an excuse… but there have been a few times.
Like when I didn’t turn in my english paper because I overslept class. I told my professor my sugar got low and I couldn’t drive to class to turn in my paper. (this has actually happened so its not to far fetched)
I have also gotten out of 2 speeding tickets because of it too. When the cops pulled me over I told them I was speeding because my sugar was low and I was heading to the gas station to get some juice.
I don’t think diabetes should be an excuse for anything and I really feel bad for using it as one, but when Im about to get a 0 or a $200 ticket I think it is okay. I mean really I have to live with this for the rest of my life, I might as well get a few breaks from it.
So I was just wondering what kind of things have you been able to get out of because of your diabetes?
Oh and I am VERY guilty of using this one. Me and my brother go running everynight and when Im feeling lazy I always tell him that my sugar is low. hehehe Im just waiting for the day he asks me to check it and prove to him that it is low.
I think we all have our obstacles to overcome and the less we let them get in the way and/or use them as an excuse, the better. I understand that JFK had significant back issues and was in considerable pain for much of his political career and presidency and never made much of it. Similarly, FDR’s polio would have been severely limiting for most and yet, in most people’s opinion, he was one of our greatest presidents. In fact, he was quite embarrassed of his condition and his wheel chair and went to great lengths to hide it.
That said, I can’t say I’ve never used my diabetes as an excuse, but it has been pretty rare and I continually strive not to. I want to be thought of as a person, not a diabetic.
Nothing huge though. I got busted going into a baseball stadium with food (I always keep a granola bar or something in my purse), so he points it out to me and I let him know that I am a diabetic. Needless to say he let me pass.
Oh yes! It’s terrible, I know. Usually only about school work though, and sometimes it may have been a little lie. I’ve done it at work before when getting asked why I was drinking pop when we aren’t supposed to be.
I’ve never gotten pulled over for speeding, but I was wondering if you could get in trouble for saying your blood sugar was low, and you had to go get something as you should always have something on you.
I have disability accomadations set up for school through the Disability Department, I guess is what you call it so that if my sugar goes low or high or I get sick I am covered for school. They give me an extra 5 days on all homework and tests no questions asked. At the beginning of each semester they send out a statement to my instructors telling them what my accomodations are and that they have to allow the extra time if I request it. That is the only time I have used diabetes as an excuse.
So far I am in the clear with using the diabetes card. That being said I like the one about getting out of a speeding ticket. I would probably use that one if I thought it made sense at the time!! Thanks for the idea!!
To me an explanation is not the same as an “excuse.” If it’s true, it’s not an excuse – it’s just the reality! For instance, I’ve escaped (temporarily!) from the unreasonable demands of a procrastinating, time-crunched editor by telling him no – seriously – I really do HAVE to take a break RIGHT NOW and get some food.
I only bring up my D if it’s relevant and necessary. I want people to be able to trust that if I ask for some unusual accommodation, it’s because I really need it, not because I’m trying to manipulate their sympathies (or legal obligations).
I try very hard not to us my diabetes as an excuse, in fact I have close to 400 sick hours at work I have not used as I never call in sick because of my diabetes, even though days I can feel like major crapola because of highs or lows.
Today at work, two nurses said you don’t look well Karen, you are walking wierd. I told them I felt very drained. I went and tested and my bgs was 85, not a good range for me.
I told the nurse, I like, what my issue was and she offered me a butterfinger. Usually I don’t tell anyone what is going on, not sure what possessed me to share this with the one nurse.
I never use it as an excuse, usually, because I don’t want to be thought of as the diabetic. I only really talk about it if I really need help. That being said, I did use it as an excuse a few times over the past 6 months. My boss is a dragon lady and is continually on me for being late. Now I’m not ten minutes late or half an hour, but 1-3 minutes. I am no longer late those 1-3 minutes, but the few times I have been lately I have told her that I was having a low in the morning and I cannot drive until it is in normal range. I have had lows in the morning, but I usually make it on time.
Only a few times like when I don’t want to go spend money! Its totally true though being a diabetic is expensive if you don’t have good insurance, so instead of going and blowing a couple hudred on clothes I will tell my friends I just bought my medication for this month sorry I cant go shopping with you. Or when my boyfriend is being weird about my mood I tell him its because of dieabetes.
I try not to use it very much, but like everyone, have occationally. While flying back from FL during a huge East Coast snow storm, I pulled the card to try to get on the direct flight home and the gate agent said he moved us to the top of the standby list. Didn’t get on the flight anyway :-(.
Today, I had a couple of co-workers encourage me to use it, but I didn’t, yet. Someone in the office (we all think we know who) has been stealing food out of our desks when (s)he stays late. I discovered that my morning snack was gone and told a few people, who wanted me to send out an email using D as the root of my outrage, ie don’t steal my emergency food so I don’t die. I didn’t sent it (it was just some nuts), but definitely will if my juice boxes go missing.
I wouldn’t wait for them to go missing – this is important! About 20 years ago a diabetic coworker of mine ended up in an ambulance after someone drank the juice he was keeping in the break room fridge. It was a very scary scene, and I’m sure nobody who was there will ever forget it. Hopefully they won’t steal food again, either.
I had a similar problem last summer and finally just closed the package with a binder clip and a post-it note that said, “Please stop stealing my food.” A little passive-aggressive, but the person got the hint and it hasn’t happened again.
I have some back up glucose tabs in case they do go missing and since those are NOT tasty, I doubt they will be stolen. ( A couple of coworkers know where my purse stash is as well). I did leave a little note with a sad face and a Please don’t eat my food in my drawer. I’m hoping that it will stop, but this behavior has been going on for long before I got here.
shhhhh… I know Manuel (manny) does it some times… he he
I got to the point where I kind of know if he is being lazy or has a low… but since I am not a meter, I have to keep it cool and nicely ask him if he needs me to pass him the meter…
Then, if he was playing the wrong card… I will just internally (or externally) smile (depending on the degree of of the acting role) If he is actully low, I run all worried to get him some juice. It is the never ending story, but we are getting used to.
I know I have to ALWAYS give him the benefit of the doubt… I guess he deserves once in a blue moon to be spoiled.
I have only played the diabetes card when I needed to eat and everyone else was procrastinating either by arguing over where to eat, or taking their time coming to the table.
Well, at amusement parks(the bigger ones at least) you get the perk of waiting either inside in the air conditioning(so the insulin and meters don’t get too hot and you don’t get overheated or drop due to the temperature,winter extreams would work the same way, I am sure) and where might even could sit, or some parks let you and your party go directly into the disabled line which takes much quicker and gets you on the ride very soon if not first, And why should you care if you have a band on your arm and or seen in the disabled line no explanation needed- and you prob. won’t know anyone so yea…
If you lived where I do, if you pulled the story about having low blood sugar and were speeding to get something to eat … you would be told that you should have pulled over because speeding was not only dangerous and illegal but as you are going hypo it would be even more dangerous. Then the cop would take away your licence and have your car towed.
There is a lady in our department who is always out sick, and never seems to get any work done. She has a legitimate chronic illness, but it is also obvious (to her co-workers and to management) that she also uses it as an excuse for missing work (much more than her sick days) or not getting something done. In truth, she’s borderline incompetent, but management is afraid to fire her for fear of a lawsuit because of her illness. As a result, nobody trusts her to do anything important, and the workload is increased for everyone around her.
It seems to me that pulling “the diabetes card” when you’re not really having a diabetic issue is dishonest, and could easily backfire on you. I’ve told people before “can’t eat there – nothing I can eat,” or “we have to eat NOW,” or such, but only when it really is / could be an issue.
I don’t want to be labeled as “the diabetic” or be considered fragile and unable to do the things I need to do. When I have a low (and since and I’ve become more active, they happen more frequently as I adjust) I do the best I can, and if it interferes with my activities I tell people why, but I can’t bring myself to “use” diabetes in that way. To me, it would be like wearing a fake cast or neck brace.