Do you have a favorite inspirational quote, photo, mantra, etc. that speaks to your diabetes? Share it here! A little mental health

I hope we can get a great collection going!
We all need this often overlooked resource of inspiration and mental health in easing tough diabetes moments.


i love listening to songs. a few of them are here:

(sorry last video is not the best)
but motivational music like that can usually get my motivation back if it’s lost somewhere :slight_smile:


“You can’t fix yesterday.”


In the end everything will be okay ~

If it’s not, it’s not the end ~


That was such an awesome idea to post music!
I see it now… “TuD Commintiy Tunes” album!

@Rphil2 used to send me a video of John Lennon singing “Instant Karma” when I needed it.

I also like “Badlands” by Bruce Springsteen, esp the part where he sings “baby I want control RIGHT NOW”


It’s a fragile thing
this life we lead
If I think too much I get over whelmed
by the grace by which we live our lives
with death over our shoulder

I will say that this song is not just about my diabetes, it’s about life and love.


I charge my mind with releasing all negative blockages
I love myself
I like myself
I accept myself
I am strong
I am calm
I am safe
I am centred
And I heavenly breathe in the positive now
And I heavenly release all negativity
That is not mine and all that is mine
And I heavenly release the negative past
And heavenly increase my own divine
I am positive, I believe in myself, and I can do this.


Drink more coffee. You can sleep when you’re dead.

(This is my mantra for dealing with my 13-year-old daughter’s Type 1 diabetes. I do a lot of adjustments/corrections during the night to keep her in range as much as possible. I sleep through the night only 5 nights per year: when my daughter is at diabetes camp.)


LOL. I once worked with someone who had the following sign on the wall of his cubicle:

Drink more coffee. People in India are sleeping.


Country version of the motley crue classic.

I like Chuck Eichten’s Book of Better tagline: Life with diabetes can’t be perfect – make it better. We live life at the margins. We don’t have to fix everything. If my sugar’s 180, what can I do to make it 150? Operating on the margins, pushing for greener pastures, given enough time will improve your life. Life is a product of effort and time; don’t ever underestimate the value of time.


@Terry4 Those are amazingly meaningful words right at this moment Terry. Thanks you.

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I attribute my favorite quote to @acidrock23. It is better to regret something you have done than to regret something you didn’t do.

That quote convinced me to go for an insulin pump. At the time I was stuck on the fence. That quote pushed me to do something. Thanks Again @acidrock23.


Thanks @Stemwinder_Gary! I appreciate the feedback although I have to admit, it’s from “Sweat Loaf” by the Butthole Surfers… Heh heh heh. I really can only discuss this song in person but it reflects my diabetes Weltanschauung very well… Butthole Surfers - Sweat Loaf - YouTube


Two: From the poet Antonio Machado…“Seeker, there is no path. The path is shaped by walking.”

And from the Dalai Lama: “My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.”…

In other words–Love and kindness rule…Along with finding your way----with the kind of support provided here at TuD!..Blessings all…Judith in Portland…


We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Winston Churchill


Amazing one.

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I forgot to mention the song “patience” by take that. Recently i have been struggling to be patient enough to wait for a high to come down, which often resulted in me overcorrecting and going low afterwards.
So i listen to that song to “just have a little patience” :wink:


“Caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar.” Love!

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