Do you write poetry? Introduce yourself!

Hi! I totally support this idea- do we all get our own bylines? I would want my poems to be published in this book (if accepted) but I would definitely want my real name next to each poem that I wrote.

I would call the book:
“More Than Blood”

Welcome Marps,nice to have you here with us. There was No added sugar compition by the administration,and winner poems were chosen for the first book about diabetes has been prepared for publication.

Oh, I heard about the book! They actually accepted my poems and I’ve been receiving updates from Manny and on my member profile page. It’s really exciting. :slight_smile:

sorry I have not been on in a while, nor writing I have had to deal with herniated disc/bed bound 2 weeks unable to stand or walk or go upstairs and thus nerve issues, a steriod shot and maybe another to come not so great on sugars = ( and I had 4 weeks therapy and still going with no improvements-its been rough but the shot helped good deal but still hard get around can’t be on the feet much/over like 10 mins. but can do staris ok…but rough emotionally at 20. So I was wondering what is the status on making a book of poems by diabetics, will it happen, how can I get a poem in it, is it too late, will there be a fee??? let me know!!!

Not Something Not Seen Before (Diabetic Life):
Traces of me
Hope its not a turn off
Proof of existence that lives on
blood everywhere
dried stained or smeared little dabbles here and spots there
on waded up wrinkled money
on the back of business cards
in my purse lining
but it’s black so you can’t see, but its there indeed
on the cotton sheets, white is not for me
on the little cell phone screen
even on the jeans and Capries,
on the back of packs of rubbing alcohol unwrapped where it should have ended up on the swab instead of all over me my accessories and everywhere in-between on the glucagon emergency kit lid and prescription tag- on the back of homework sheets maybe on the edges of text books too, nowhere would be too strange due to quick pricks and old test strips that make up this diabetic life

Best poem still: DIABETES WAR
In the battle field of diabetes
No one decides to freely enlist, it is not a war of choice, the enlistees are all draftees the brave warriors are chosen with no mercy, children or no exception or exempt, though parents may beg and plead, fighting is not an option you must give it your all
there is no clear enemy since its within your own body
I can guarantee the trek will not be easy, you will grow weak and weary, but you will find it deep within to persevere and carry on,don’t be scared to ask for support, help does not make one weak,but super strong
if you go low and fall down, you learn and get right back up, everyday is new and you can change
It’s a rage within, and there are no truces or quick pullouts, your in it for the long haul
There is no noman’s land and it knows no limits, it’ll take and take, there are no knowns
We just have to hold on and unite until a remedy is found through campaigning and probing rodents, but until that day comes, spirits must soar above the ordinary, diabetics are an extraordinary breed
The best form of ammo is trial and error, using insulin and carbs as means, and not by blastings as much as you can to wipe out the enemy, but rather taking small small incremental tweaks and time, lengthy time happens to be on your side, instead of nuking/bombing in one big sweep and thus being done
diabetes is a daily war, that knows no R&R, there are no holidays, it stays 24/7
so no time to revamp and when you may feel all alone and like giving up and like the path is un-traveled in your individual war, remember over 250 million are just like you, You are not alone, there is hope, there is a tomorrow we are all in the same war just different battles, so stay strong and whatever you do hold on
hold on the end is so near, there will be a cure, so march on
we will soon overcome, so hold on

Joy, I like Diabetes War too. I never thought to put it quite like that.

Welcome Zo Zo,love your poem.

Diabetes is my constant companion,
I, my body, listens to her,
She makes me watch all of me,
Makes me a better person some days.
I love her for those days.
But not for the hours I wish to be alone
I am the Captain, she the first mate,
I choose good, bad or worse- not she!
Looking inside today
I acknowledge her,
Revere her, knowing my Grand Master
Keeps me safe because of her prods.
And I listen as to a muse
Because she is what she is meant to be
An unwelcome friend who’s true
When I take there time to hear.

Welcome Virgil to poetry club. Your poem is so beautiful.Thanks

~ Midnight Solace ~

The sun has long since set.

The midnight hour has begun
to surrender it’s reign to the
approaching dawn.

With heavy eyes I abide
in silence while the sun
begins to stir from slumber.

The night has been so very long,
I fear the new day will linger
past it’s appointed hour as well.

What unseen thief has
has robbed me of repose?

I pray this season of unrest
is soon quelled.

I yearn to be lost in dream,
I long to have the ebony sky
blanket me in it’s mystery.

To be swept away on a
moonbeam odyssey
is my fondest desire.

Stirring thoughts keep
the lullaby of peaceful
solace from me.

Rambling notions stumble
one upon the other
in desperate measure
to be heard,
refusing to be ignored.

Fingers of light
have begun to reach
into my night veiled realm,
they beckon me
to arise and frolic
but the night does not
willingly release it’s embrace.

I will soon enough arise
and move about the day,
though my innermost
essence is weary,
I will remain steadfast.

When the ebbing sun
takes it’s evening bow
I will once again retreat
to the comfort of my
darkened room and pray
through the night for the
hush of perfect solitude
to encompass me.

That I may awake
to the new day with
renewed strength of
body, mind and

Welcome Crystal,love your poem so much

There, there, there
Somewhere there
Where there is nothing
And from nothing

There you can plant meanings
New words
New feelings
You never can hide it

The tears will run hot
But they are real
Not false
The songs will be whispered
Or shouted loud
No difference
Because there,
In the land of nowhere
From nothing
I will erupt
For once

1-November 2009

Love your poems, Sohair and Crystal. Tahnk you for sharing them. Virgil

Do not dare

The emptiness inside was as large
As the universe
At least
She wanted to fill this
Crater of a volcano
That eager
To scream
For now

She went looking
How she can end it all
Looked for her insulin bottle
And thought
Hypo is an old friend
She can make it
The last

Got the bottle
The needle
Got hundred units
And her blood glucose
Was hundred
The rule of hundred is applicable
To the point

She stared at the lonely figure there
As if the world has stopped
The world had died instantly
She has
To follow

The scream of her daughter
Cut the silence
Of the last moment
She left the needle
And ran

The little girl cried
Are you alive?
I had a nightmare
You ended
Your life

They hugged each other
Till morning
The tears were mixed hot
Warmed their lonely existence

3 November 2009

Hello Everyone.New to Poetry but here it is.This is my first attempt at writing
something.I not sure if I call it a story,poem or a song.The first line came from a facebook friend of mine.He posted it on his wall recently and it inspired to write this.I hope you enjoy it and I want to say a big thanks to this community.I am feeling like
I am not alone in my struggles.I was failing but with your help and advice that I am getting from TU I can be and will be a good roll model for other Diabetics.Take care Bob

The Rain
The rain merges my past with my present,
Memories of my childhood fill my head
Running in fields without a fear or a care,
I wonder is this a dream or Heaven sent.
We learned about life from each other,
No worries what tomorrow would bring.
Carefree, fearless so alive were we,
We loved to dance, we lived ,we’d sing.

How have the years so quickly gone by,
We wanted to grow up so ,so fast,
Being with friends was such fun,
Now we want the days to just last.

People, Love came some stayed, some went,
We grew, changed for the good, for the bad.
Photos and memories are all that I keep,
Of the good life that I have had.

Now the years pass by oh too soon,
Dwelling on heartache and pain.
We forgot to cherish life as we once did,
When we would run in the rain.

Oh when will I run in the rain?
Oh when will we run in the rain?

Written by Robert Juhlke
Dec 9/09

Awsome, awsome poem. Thanks.

Welcome Linda