Do you write poetry? Introduce yourself!

Welcome Bobby,beautiful poem.

Happy New Year

The light is having…a nap

كل شئ يخبو يحتضر
إلا الضوء
من هناك يطفئ
و الضوء باق
إنما سمح للظلام
أن يمر
حتى يستريح الضوء

لماذا تذكرني
كل يوم
أن حبك سيخبو
إن ضعف حبك
فإن الضوء
أبدا لا يضعف
و الزهور الذابلات
تترك الممرات
لتمر زهرات
يا نعات
إن مات حبي في قلبك
سينمو حب آخر
الضوء يغفو
و الظلام قليلا في غفوة
و يمرح

Every thing gets weaker
but not the light
Who can turn off completely
the light
and end it forever
no one

the light takes a rest
for a while
let darkness run
have fun
then…. wakes up

why do you remind me
that your love for me
will die one day
or night

all flowers will die
let paths clear for others
to erupt
and grow

the light is having a nap
mean while
darkness is running
playing only
for a while

Welcome all new members. Waiting to read your lovely poems.

What a great place to be…Welcome MaryJean*

Je suis
Tu es
Il/Elle est
Nous sommes
Vous êtes
Ils/Elles sont
Je suis…I am!
I am a diabetic/a person with diabetes, but
I am so much more.
Tu es?/You are?

Thank you for the Sunny Summer Wishes Sohair…

Sunny Summer Smiles to you also luv......linda

Welcome Jabari, to a place of harmony!

Congratulations my friends

I’m in that book! Exciting! :slight_smile:

Me too…feels rather odd!!!

Let us throw poetry parties all summer,celebrating the release of our dream book: No Sugar Aded poetry

Oh…I so love that ZoZo!
Thanks!! So true.

Zo Zo, elegantly put thoughts I think most of us share to one extent or another. thanks for sharing

The Big D

Once a certain death
Diabetes is now
something a person can live with.

Once a certain death
of a boy I read about
reminded me
Diabetes isn’t something a person can ignore
and live with.

Once a certain death
standing in the darkness by the bed
as I came sweating and trembling to awareness
reminded me my death
is something I live with.

Thanks, Zo Zo,
There’s a lot of good stuff in here, including yours. I haven’t had time to read it all yet.
Very happy about the book. I have the Poetry Reading kit, but I’m kind of hesitating with scheduling it.
Has anyone in here done a reading, either with the No Sugar Added Poetry book, or anything? Any tips?

Nice poem,Zozo.Welcome to the club.

The big D,Jerry is not that big now.Good control makes diabetes not as scary as it used to be.