Yeah, I’ve had to stop everything and go check my sugar during sex, many times. It always ticks me off. At other times my sugar has been so high that I feel like crap and can’t even enjoy it.Sometimes I have to turn it down until my sugar comes down, when my husband wants to. He doesn’t mind though, he just wants me to be ok.
It only bothers me when my inset is in the lower part of my tummy and my husband is on top.I can feel the canula picking me inside.When that happens we just change positions.
We are diabetics, that by definition means there is NO “off topic” subject specific to the disease in my view. I cannot be embarrassed by anything diabetes. If its diabetic I want to know about it!
Ok sex and the diabetic 101.
IF you are ready for sexual activity chances are decent you know this individual, probably for a while and you “click”, know a little about their history, who they are… to varying degrees obviously. If you are going to be intimate with them, you might want to mention the diabetes part. It is NOT required, you can have a casual encounter I suppose (whatever the heck that is… ) but if you are discussing your sexual history, your secual interests, sexual preferences then chances are pretty good, you can mention the diabetes too, if, IF you wish to share that with someone. Again, it is certainly not mandatory, but a pump WILL raise a question or two once you are naked, one would think anyway???
As for dating, when or IF diabetes gets mentioned, is determined by how into the other person I was/am. If there is no chemistry, it was a single date, I did not always mention it. If they were wondering what I was doing witht the meter, I told them. if they wanted to know what the weird pen in my pocket was for I would mention it. But given the availability of cyberspace for dating, and mentioning various health issues that we all have… it normally got mentioned at some point. But, announcing I was diabetic on the first date was not likely going to happen, in the same way I was not going to mention my sexual history… to get more intimate information, we have to get to know one another a little better. When I trust you, you can ask, until I know you, trust you, certain topics were not as likely mentioned.
As for vigerous, sex as exercise… it is definately a fun “sport” to practice!!! Depending on the length of the tubing, or the placement of the set it certainly could get tangled, or pulled possibly. Sufficently so that it COULD be a problem… maybe, I guess. But as a general rule, if its causing you issues, getting pulled off, or out during the fun… diconnection is clearly an option.
Good sex can definately lower BG, so snack beforehand, you’ll want some energy ; ).
I found this old conversation and wanted to jump in. I’m deciding between an omnipod and a t-slim, and was curious what people’s experiences with the omnipod specifically were during sex since disconnecting isn’t an option. I have a Dexcom g6 so I’m used to “wearing” something, but wasn’t sure if two pods felt more awkward during sex. I may be projecting my own insecurities, though. Thoughts?
I stopped disconnecting a Medtonic pump after falling asleep too many times after sex, with my pump not attached. That’s a bad thing for me to have occur. My wife and I BOTH have pumps. Never been a problem to pump and have sex while wearing them. But we don’t swing from the chandeliers either…
The pod is so small it doesn’t interfere with anything, in my experience. It might get bumped, but that’s more my fault than my partner’s, since it’s so lightweight I tend to forget where it is. Mind you, I’m nowhere near as acrobatic as I used to be, which helps in that regard.