In case you’ve missed it, here’s a page full of diabetes blogs from the second annual DBlog Week. Take a few minutes to read some of these posts. Since Monday, those of us D-Bloggers have been following a topic each day to write about. It’s been very inspiring to read other people’s thoughts, feelings and raw emotions.
You can find links to everyone’s blog at Karen’s site on Bitter-Sweet.
I am having trouble keeping up with all those D-blogs.
I understand Kelly! It can get really overwhelming. I have a couple of options for keeping organized if you’re interested.
I did add a bunch in Google reader but I am always open for organizing tips - you can never get enough of those.
Google reader was one of my suggestions. But for me, I have picked out a handful that I read daily or almost daily. Those are the ones that I either relate to the most or seem to learn things from. I have them bookmarked under my favorites tab so they’re all in one place (and I can get to them on my phone). The others, (and there are soooo many) I either filter through Google Reader or I blogroll them on my own site. That makes it easy for me. I can go to my site and click on the links and they pop right up so I can skim them. You can do that through several other ways, too.
I have added a bunch on my site also and still need to add more. I follow a bunch of people that are not consistent writers - sometimes they write daily and other times are quiet for a week. For those people, Google reader is easier so I know they have something new up. I am hoping that some of these new people are not consistent either so I am not trying to figure out which ones I want to read every day!